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and for the final touch....


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train some ranged men


i know i have to train it but like there no point for me in training it :( like i don't armadyl i don't slay anymore and i don't wanna get a fire cape so like whats the point of lvling my rng then :/?

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  • 2 weeks later...


roids why u spamming on my topics xD? and am telling ya it doesn't work with the word nahir so quit trying  :victory:

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Why do you have turm in your name with 70 prayer?

and what the fuck is yahmierewrwasd before the turm

  yamir is the name of one of my friends like hes a big black guy with like giant fists and he has a frekin beast body (no homo) like hes frekin like a big black pitbull so this is from what came in my mind to use his name + turm as my display name  :embarrased:  and could of had turm on this account but used 2/3 of my total bank to put turm on another account and when il have a spare 100m il use it to get turm on this one  :nice: .

long story xd

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possibly the gayest inspiration for a runescape name i've ever fucking heard, sort ur life out m8.

my name ain't that bad : o  :embarrased:

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