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is prayer a waste?

iz skill3d

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Is getting pray a waste cause they made those new world that you can pro 1+ even though ur pray is out?

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what prayer are you talking about? Protections? Smite? It depends on what you care about losing, but if you're talking about stat boosting prayers, I still say 31 is still a nice level :)


Imo anything above 52 on a pure is a waste.

so offensive

am 52 exactly and tbh i find its a waste now.. id say 44 or 43..


44 or 43 is perfect for a pure in my opinion. 44 if you have higher than 80 range for sure.


31 is the weay to go, lower cmb by like 2 cmb lvls, better koing :DDDD


ive got 45 and its staying that way :P


Yeah, I'm glad I stayed level 1 so I can get 15 prayer (I think) so I can do DT and be lower cb ;)

And yeah, prayer is now a waste.


im gonna get 52, make people waste there pray and use p pots, hopefully by the time they run there out of pray and cant protect cause of the smite, and they cant hit as high when they have no prayer. smite still serves us a purpose people!


1's pro unless you want to do dt, then just get 44 it wins  :D

m4x3d 0ut v3

yea i have 43 it helps incase of a rush.  :)


not really, imo the only useful pray lvl would be 43 or 44. Because nowadays u have rushers left and right that you cant really get away from in popular 1v1 areas like edgy. Now if u had 1 pray sure u would be protecting 1 item without the use of the protect item prayer, but ur also defenseless to rushers and pjers because u dont have overs.


43 is pointless when you can just get 44. Also think 52 is a waste, most people say "No Smite" during fights anyways.


yes it is a waste but if u got 31 its good

str pr4y ko

i feel unless you're 99 str/rng/mage/atk it is useless to have alot of pray (especially f2p) i dont like having somthing that i've got to charge and that can run out when i need it...i try to stay away from pray but ypu cant always avoid it  :(


Yeah 44 pray is good incase of pjers or rushers when your trying to get loot


it depends if you wanna use it and how you wanna use it, tbh i had 31 right from the start and it kinda helped, then i got 44 pray coz i thought it was esseitial for DT, then i found out i could of just got blockers :P but tbh its helpful, my pray survives me whenever i need it, and i didnt at 31, i would stay stay 1 or get 44, everything in between is pointless imo


im just a fan of 44 pray tbh


get 56 pray.

that's pro

GG clan hoppa


Sorry, i dont speak clanhopper.


any protection prayer fails now tbh (if your souly a pker) but it is useful for GWD and Slayer and stuff :p not a complete waste, but pking (as now you can't pj) yeah, total W A S T E

Mr.franchize 999

i agree with wutang pro i think prayer is still usefull and probaly will always be

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