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is prayer a waste?

iz skill3d

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Prayer is never a waste. You need prayer for clans, and so on.. if your not 43 + you'll get sat at wars. Prayer is good, but i guess if your not interested in joining a clan then i would say it is...  :huh:

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44 is perfect. 13-43 not too good..44 has EVERYTHIn

You're an idiot. 44 is shit. Either get 45 or gtfo tbh. 45 doesn't level you and only reason im saying this is don't hate on 43 prayer seeing as how 44 is just like 43, but with 1 more boost?


44 is perfect. 13-43 not too good..44 has EVERYTHIn

You're an idiot. 44 is shit. Either get 45 or gtfo tbh. 45 doesn't level you and only reason im saying this is don't hate on 43 prayer seeing as how 44 is just like 43, but with 1 more boost?

Don't go around calling people idiots when you obviously didn't know what the hell you are talking about. 44 is a lot better then 43, not JUST one boots extra, you also get Eagle Eye (15% Range boost). You're just saying "45 or gtfo" because you probably got it and trying to make yourself sound better, you're also are a hypocrite for saying that, think about it.


44 is perfect. 13-43 not too good..44 has EVERYTHIn

You're an idiot. 44 is shit. Either get 45 or gtfo tbh. 45 doesn't level you and only reason im saying this is don't hate on 43 prayer seeing as how 44 is just like 43, but with 1 more boost?

Don't go around calling people idiots when you obviously didn't know what the hell you are talking about. 44 is a lot better then 43, not JUST one boots extra, you also get Eagle Eye (15% Range boost). You're just saying "45 or gtfo" because you probably got it and trying to make yourself sound better, you're also are a hypocrite for saying that, think about it.

Lol, calm down there. Didn't mean to come off that hard just got mad at what he said. I don't have 45 rofl, i have 43. 44 is so generic tbh its not even like a milestone 43 is protect prayers and 45 is all stat boosters without def. 52 is smite ofc. See what im saying?

43 if you're melee and 44 if you're ranger. 52 is a waste now  :nice:


pray is a waste if you only play 1 vs 1, deeper its good with pray for smiting out the protections :shifty:


Naw prayer is win


1 is the bomb if your an f2p pker like I am =D I'm sticking with it.


im 52 pray and i reakon its a waste of cb's id stick with 44 or 45 imo thats the best although maxed pures look better with 52 then 44, but then again im not maxed :O yet


this isnt a rant.. move it to general rs chat


i got an idea tho.. we shud suggest jagex to make an update for benefits of 52 pray.

heres my idea: lets say now in pvp even tho when ppl die wif 0 pray they still keep their most valuable item

lets say that when they do die wif 0 pray due to smited and altho didnt lose their item, the drop shud increase quite dramatically for the victor. This way smite won't be a huge loss.



1/13/31 if u pk edge mostly

if u pk all around 44/52

i have 52


prayer will be always deemed as useful by me but is it useful enough for the prayer is a judgement you alone havew to make


too bad ur banned from forums :)


if your planning on pking in the +1 worlds then stay low prayer because of easier fights , but you having higher stats.


im gonna get 52, make people waste there pray and use p pots, hopefully by the time they run there out of pray and cant protect cause of the smite, and they cant hit as high when they have no prayer. smite still serves us a purpose people!


13 prayer is the best imo anything above means you should get 52 but if your in any clan and you have 43-  its not going to be good for wars or much else except 1v1s


Prayer is not a waste..Helps alot =D

BUt for a pure i wouldn't get over 52


45 Prayer does me fine, i went from 44-45 for 2 reasons (Pissed off splashing barrage + Firecape)

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