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60 Attack 1 def VS 60 Attack turmoil

Guest ph0ne

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Guest ph0ne

What's more beneficial for foe?

What's the better chaotic to get cbow/staff for 30 defence turmoil

So far i'm 1 defence with addy gloves, DT, all of the pure needed quests finished so i'm wondering would it be worth it to make this account into a 30 defence turmoil pure as i've got the money to do so?


I'm a 30 defense 60 attack rune gloves turmoil and It's a lot of fun :)

Guest ph0ne

I'm a 30 defense 60 attack rune gloves turmoil and It's a lot of fun :)

Sounds good, Do the quests take long?as i've got most of the req's and got all of the pure quests done any way, all i need is 1 more subquest for rune gloves too


I'm a 30 defense 60 attack rune gloves turmoil and It's a lot of fun :)

Sounds good, Do the quests take long?as i've got most of the req's and got all of the pure quests done any way, all i need is 1 more subquest for rune gloves too

Yeah the quests take forever. Just for turmoil it takes about a week to a week and a half to get the skills and do the quests. If you want extra things like Korasi, Proselyte, Rune gloves etc. it will be aroun 2 weeks of work depending on how much time you spend on RS.

Guest ph0ne

Rune gloves is 1 subquest away, procelyte won't take longer then a day and it's worth for 30 defence for the pray bonus, but fuck korasi as it's nerfed and doesn't kill anyone anymore, you also need 78 att and i'm staying 60.

But the turm quests, it's like a whole page of quests, 40-50 of them @_@




I'd say it's about even honestly since 1 def and 52- prayer will have a level advantage

Got A Big Un

80 attack would be more benefical to foe but yeh ofc turm would be better for the clan

also chaotic staff shits on chaotic crossbow tbh

Guest ph0ne

80 attack would be more benefical to foe but yeh ofc turm would be better for the clan

also chaotic staff shits on chaotic crossbow tbh

i'm 1 defence so far and really close to buying a chaotic and i'll probably get the staff/cbow as i think i'm remaining 1 defence, just thought most of FOE was turmoil pures already instead of 1 defence..


beneficial for foe?

i would say get 80 (Maul+SOL) attack first then decided whether you want turmoil or not.


60 def turm is better!


for foe the higher your stats are the better, for foe 67 attack would be better then 60 attack whilst for pking it just gives you unnecessary combat levels


If you were to be a turmoil, 30 defence with chaotics you should have no trouble joining FOE and no trouble downing your opponents.


60 def turm is better!



yh turm is obviously more beneficial, cb level doesnt make a difference in clan activities, and turm hits more than someone without turm..


turmoil 60att ftw. Great for 1v1'n i hear instead of 80att turm but for clanning go with 80att chaotic weapons.


Turmoil, but only if you have the stats to go with it. No point being 60-80-80-80 with Turmoil if you have no money to train 90s. It's the warrer behind the stats that counts. Whichever you're most comfortable with. I mean a maxed pure is going to be more useful than a 60-80-80-80 Turm, but when you're both maxed then obv. Turmoil is better. Just get Turmoil if you fancy it, and train your stats up higher.


60 att turm. Turm quests take a day... 2 max.

Guest ph0ne

60 att turm. Turm quests take a day... 2 max.

Just got 80 dg, 4k tokens from staff then i'll start questing

ty :D


turmoil > everything

im telling you now

questing is like clawing your own eyes out i cant quest more than 1-2 simple ones/day :'(


Turmoil is better for clanning.


turmoil is for pussies



I'm gonna say pure, I've played on like a 32 def 85 str turmoil pure and it wasen't THAT good.


beneficial for foe?

i would say get 80 (Maul+SOL) attack first then decided whether you want turmoil or not.

R 4 P 1 D Z

80 attk 30 def [quested with turmoil prayers unlocked] 99 summ 99 dung

ideal foe member

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