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60 Attack 1 def VS 60 Attack turmoil

Guest ph0ne

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beneficial for foe?

i would say get 80 (Maul+SOL) attack first then decided whether you want turmoil or not.


turmoil > everything

im telling you now

questing is like clawing your own eyes out i cant quest more than 1-2 simple ones/day :'(

I think you have ADHD or something then


If your a maxed pure right now, yes get turmoil+80 atk and chaotics. If your not, stay 60 atk no turm, and get asn and c staff.


If you want to be a lot of time and money into making your account with turmoil then do it if you want. If your scared about the results and feel there is a chance you might just give up, don't do it.

  • 2 weeks later...
Got A Big Un

with 99 str turm will increase ur max hit by about 90 612 to 699 using maxed str bonus without statius but it also adds about 12 combat levels this is with chaotic maul


if u gonna stay 60 att go for staff first staff owns cbow in anyway more damage etc then l8er go for cbow if u want:P its only 30+ range more then normal nothing specials just a extra

and yes get turm only quest are fucking noob takes ages i h8 jagex now

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