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If you could change anything in yourself....what would it be?

Little Guy

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To have less women slobering over me, and the ability to grow a viking beard.

Also want to move to a state on the east side...

EDIT: Forgot, also no more dick pubes, they are annoying, lil buggers...

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Wish I could grow a big viking beard, I've got flimsy genes

I'd like if I could be cleansed of all the unnecessary/arbitrary anxiety I get, bombards the brain and makes it difficult for you to shutdown and relax

I can actually grow one, but because im a lil' guy it makes me look more of a gnome than a viking!

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I have back problems, im a bit fat, my weiner is a bit above average size but it points to the left, i have a few other health problems, I'm a shy cunt, hmm that may be all

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B L l l T Z

I have back problems, im a bit fat, my weiner is a bit above average size but it points to the left, i have a few other health problems, I'm a shy cunt, hmm that may be all

I think you could have left that part about your dick pointing to the left bro,, anyways i would like to be more confident

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Wish I could grow a big viking beard, I've got flimsy genes

I'd like if I could be cleansed of all the unnecessary/arbitrary anxiety I get, bombards the brain and makes it difficult for you to shutdown and relax

I can actually grow one, but because im a lil' guy it makes me look more of a gnome than a viking!


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