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Land of Equality MY ASS

Fairy Boy

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What's FOEs thoughts on immigration?

Ticks me off that people try and degrade on Mexicans who are migrating to America to look for a better life/opportunity, yet us whites, came here from Europe and took this land from Native Americans.


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yet us whites, came here from Europe and took this land from Native Americans.

lol you retarded? just because you have a shitty history doesn't mean you have to let anyone come ruin your shitty country brah

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yet us whites, came here from Europe and took this land from Native Americans.

lol you retarded? just because you have a shitty history doesn't mean you have to let anyone come ruin your shitty country brah

no need to start flaming. I'm pointing out the hypocracy of Americans/ american government.
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Ignorance is everywhere. Yeah all these people say deport illegal aliens know jack shit about economics and the repercussions of deporting every single illegal alien. While illegal aliens are a detriment to the  country, we have to look at other viable options. Hehe I wrote my entire research paper on this and can talk about it for days.

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white hypocrit pseudo tolerant people piss me off

the day you get mugged by a nigger pack I bet you'll change your political views

equality doesn't exist, get it in your head

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fuck immigrants, especially if you're from India, wear a turban, do it for money and are retarded.


f it im not even gana bother...

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That was a long time ago, you need to be more forum active rather than bragging about your 10 posts a day which all happen to be on the same topic.

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white hypocrit pseudo tolerant people piss me off

the day you get mugged by a nigger pack I bet you'll change your political views

equality doesn't exist, get it in your head

Soo I assume since you're a lil guy and from the following statement that you got mugged by a group of black men and that caused you to change your political views.

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white hypocrit pseudo tolerant people piss me off

the day you get mugged by a nigger pack I bet you'll change your political views

equality doesn't exist, get it in your head

Soo I assume since you're a lil guy and from the following statement that you got mugged by a group of black men and that caused you to change your political views.

nope, lived abroad for 3/4 of my life. but my sister did get mugged by 3 niggers, and few cousins got their phones stolen etc etc. NEVER was by a white guy

I'm sorry but I just cba with the immigrants in france, and even though there's quite a lot of nice guys too, I still wish they'd all get sent back to their countries...

If we did in their countries what they're doing in ours, shit would hit the fan. And they still complain.

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Illegal immigrants can fuck right off tbh, no sympathy. I don't give a shit if it opens up a million new factory jobs. We can fill those with unemployed legal citizens or outsource it. I'm not sayin those hicks in the video got it all right though.. "QUIT PUSHIN ME MOTHERFUCKER"

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Iguide | Tommy

yet us whites, came here from Europe and took this land from Native Americans.

lol you retarded? just because you have a shitty history doesn't mean you have to let anyone come ruin your shitty country brah

no need to start flaming. I'm pointing out the hypocracy of Americans/ american government.


we didnt come here illegally though.  furthermore americans didnt come to america, brits and dutch people did, dont confuse us because our founding fathers came from somewhere else.  we're established now.  at the time we didnt know native americans were here.  also how can u call us hypocrites for something we werent involved in?  we have our country, mexico has its: its not our problem if america has more opportunities or w/e than mexico, we have our laws, dont break them.  we have our system to legally migrate to america, follow it or go back to your country.

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