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10 Defence or 20 Defence?

No Luck

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1 def chaotic bang units

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  • No Luck


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dont get def youll regret it, stay 1 def, your only gonna fight tanks and zekrs and thats not fun tbh


Stay as you are atm and train attack if your bored of fighting pures


I would close this I knew how lol. Im staying 1 and going to transition to 20 as 1 def gets more birng (though I am already bored lol). I will then get turmoil. And if that fails, then zerk

you're a shit pure lol... >.> just go get 99 defence and be done with it as that's where you're obviously heading. since you dont enjoy being a pure I don't get why you even made one. and regardless of your combat level you'll still get pjed.


Don't purposely train it until you're 8def, then get 10. I'd say if you go above 14 then get 20. Never train it intentionally because pures are made for the sole reason of offense, not def.


do nature spirit and 14 def rune gloves if u gonna get 20 else ur acc will be shit and what lies below for dagonhai XD


stay! i made the mistake of training to 20 :/


This question is pathetically stupid, your asking an idiotic question and expecting people to give you a straight answer which anyone in their right mind wouldn't.

Stay 1Def, train attack if bored of fighting pures,


30Def Turmoil.


if u really want to ruin ur 1 def pure.. get 20 for rune gloves


if u really want to ruin ur 1 def pure.. get 20 for rune gloves

2012 never summer evo is on its way to my house  :wub:

on topic: stay 1


stupid question...

1 defence or 30def with turmoil, other then that if your 6 defence stay 6 defence dont bother getting levels 10 and 20 suck either way

Iguide | Tommy

if ur getting 10+ def, become a korasi prod.  korasi->cmaul or cr->korasi both rape


dont like either. I'd stay 1 or get turmoil etc

Savage Rehab

20 def is only good if you have the bank for corrupted, but other than that i have to agree with other people 30 def is the way


To be really honest, You should get 30 defence and 95 prayer... Along with 80 attack. The account would be awesome and make you a nice penny.

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