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So im working on my pure to join Foe once again, as im to lazy to post a screeni i'll give you my stats




Mage:will be 70 before tonight



Alright, so im joing foe Now for the FA reqiurements i'd need to bring my str to 87+ along with 70 in mage or range

But i've fucked up this pure royaly, i have NOT done preist in peril(fail mistake, if i do do this quest though it WILL get my 32 pray..But opens up DT)

Now what im thinking of doing is getting my str to 87, and then.. i can't decide

I was thinking about 90 str(rounded from 87) and say getting 85 mage for tb tangle.. witch is a pretty sick imo, 85 mage 90 str 60 attack 31 pray..

But Pray also opens up ALOT, as in DT overhead, Might actually survive trips..

But i do love 31 pray and im looking for ur imputs on what the hell i should do.. so if you had this account what would you change/do

I do not Have addy guants, an working on them Asap after my 70 mage.

Thanks in advance


44 prayer, 82 magic.


get 44 pray.

+ its better than 31 anyway  :p


as said 44 prayer or 32 dosen't make a huge difference just dosen't look nice IMO and I'd suggest 82 magic for blitz if you do DT


Get 43/44. Coming from a person who was totally against any prayer at all at first, its definitely worth it.


Alright thanks alot, and DT would obviosly be done if i got the pray thanks a ton everyone.

And right now i think 31 is still the best, but i guess i may be wrong :o


44pray, also u can get firecape :)


I'm thinking of making a 13 prayer acc just so I can have low cmb and still use prot item :)

But 44 is very useful for pjers.


32 or 34, imo the lower the prayer, the higher ur str, the better. :)


I would atleast get 34 prayer so you can get Dt.

Notice you only level after 7 prayer lvls ( 1 comb = 7 pray lvls ). So even if you got 32pray with no extra's it doesn't really matter.

I'd get 44 pray when you don't like 34, raise your strength to 87 while alching when you dont feel like training str to get 82 magic.

Pray is really usefull for people trying to rush or pj but you don't need it that much other then that.


44 for when you have cash and your lazy as fuck so you can train at bandits etc.


definately do dt and get 82 mage, i would personally keep 32 pray or get 34 although getting it higher won't ruin your account.

watch me tb

if you melee, just get 34 pray and 82 mage. dont bother with 44 unless  u want pro melee.


I'm thinking of making a 13 prayer acc just so I can have low cmb and still use prot item :)

But 44 is very useful for pjers.

This is an honor clan.


I don't want pro melee, like said above lower the better and thats my opionion also, but berni said with those 7 levels it makes sense, so i guess its 34 pray DT done, thanks a ton everyone,

One more question if anyone reads this far, range higher or keep the same?

Right now i am Combat based


44 prayer for protect againts pjers u should get higher range imo

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