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Thinking of new shit when i go back to uni.


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i have 3-4 weeks left of my cardio and current working out where im cutting slightly and working on getting more definition and leaner etc... from last topic its been fairly successful.

When i go back to uni im considering changing to a routine something like this


and my friend has just got some of this creatine and is liking it, so im considering.


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www.bulkpowders.com protein 17 quid 1kg, also glutamine is better than creatine lol, erm as for work out i just do one top set, increasing weight every week.. just read my log a bit or sumthing

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creatine = strong waterweight lol, also walli, if you do one top set, rather than 3-5 sets, it is surely easier to progress. either doing same weight for 1more rep or more weight for 1 less rep, its improvement.

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confused by top set etc lol...

Also, not gunna lie ive lost the body fat i wanted to and will lose a bit more over next month b4 uni.

I look alot more defined and shit now and i just wanna be vein and build and looked stacked as fuck now ok =]

just stare into my mirror few hours a day

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routines like that annoy me. its neglecting shoulders/traps etc (which are important to get the typical look people desire). and other weird exercises substituted for the key ones.

also creatine isn't a miracle supplement, in my view it should be the last one to think about.

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Tom (Rendition)

I don't really get the split of what they have done in that workout; it's a bit all over the place.

It works out like this....

Day 1:


Day 2:


Day 3:

Back + Biceps

Day 4:

Back/Legs and Abs

It just doesn't make much sense at all really.

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Instead of creatine get jack3d.

If you insist in getting creatine, dont get the gluconate stuff as it breaks down really quickly into creatanine which is useless.

Get either monohydrate or ethyl ester, they say creatine gluconate is rapidly absorbed but it doesnt matter because your body STORES it.

and get a personalised training regime or go on muscleandstrength and use on of theirs by doug lawrenson

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