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London Riots


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Gareth l Rare

I don't like that idea. The more power you give police, the more they abuse it. Things are working out fine. Tonight will be quite bad. Tomorrow afternoon it will just settle until it gets to a gradual stop.

Usually i would agree but when you have people thinking that they can destroy towns and break into shops, steal goods in broad daylight and walk out then order needs to be restored..

Your borth right

The news answered the question, why ant they doing anything.... its because the police work on a level system

bronze, silver and gold

all the people who are at the riots are bronze and cant attack until silver/gold say so and they ant giving the say so

Fucking give the police the go to attack and destroy the rioters with dogs and horses = sorted

Now this info about how the police shot an innocnt man is out people are going to revolt even more.... if they dont stp it now then they never will....

prob not giving them the say so to atttack coz they fucked up and killed someone.... how lolng until it happends again

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Gareth l Rare

He wasn't innocent though, he had a loaded gun with him.

he put it up in the air with hisĀ  hands in surrender possition but before he could put it to th groud they shot him...

thy went in on a raid, all kitted up and everything....

ok not innocent but they killed him in cold blood

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If you were a police officer and you saw a black male from London raise a gun, would you hesitate or would you shoot to protect your own life? The simple fact is he had a loaded firearm in his hand, he could have used that on the member of public in a robbery etc. Fair enough he may have surrendered but drop the gun first and get on the fucking ground!

I don't know all the facts except that he had a loaded gun in his possession..

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Gareth l Rare

police are not trained to kill, they are trained to disaim and bring in criminals to be prosecute by the law

im not deffending him, if it was me id have shouted drop it and then put then put a bullet in his head if he raised it...

although when your a SPECIAL FORCE your trained to ONLY SHOOT TO KILL when the oposing hols a threat

they said he didnt hold a threat (news just said litteraly just now)

NO that doesnt justify the riots

NO it isnt an excuse to go out fucking shit up because of a death

but things are going to get worse.....

Lorry drivers have been told that if confronted by a group, to hand over the keys and run away >son of a lorry driver told me earlyer...

how long until gangs find out and start organising

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Soon you guys will probably ask for Americas help. Wait for it.

Its in one country and we have a fucking army bro lmao..

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Gareth l Rare

Na we have no oil, you wont come here....... :shifty:

even if you did youĀ“d shoot our police in "friendly fire"

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Spittles (Old School)

Lol I knew saying that would cause controversy. And yeah if it was in America they would probably shoot them all down, not surprised. I agree with Bullet though, they should shoot them with rubber bullets or at least have more power to stop it.

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alot of you are saying 'the army/police should just shoot them'...right lets get this straight ALOT of these youths are gang members if one of them gets shot i HIGHLY doubt everything would just stop infact you know damn well thats when the gangs guns come out and are fired on police. All they can do is protect the lives of innocent people caught up in the riot and just slowly arrest everyone involved (unlikely due to already full prisons).

I predicted this (like alot of people) when district 13 and SHANK came out, as soon as gangs find out if they all pull together they can overrun the government, the fear of police has gone for alot of them and the innocent people are now losing faith in police which will ultimately make things even worse than they already are.

All we can do really is hope it all dies down eventually and no more lives are lost

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alot of you are saying 'the army/police should just shoot them'...right lets get this straight ALOT of these youths are gang members if one of them gets shot i HIGHLY doubt everything would just stop infact you know damn well thats when the gangs guns come out and are fired on police. All they can do is protect the lives of innocent people caught up in the riot and just slowly arrest everyone involved (unlikely due to already full prisons).

I predicted this (like alot of people) when district 13 and SHANK came out, as soon as gangs find out if they all pull together they can overrun the government, the fear of police has gone for alot of them and the innocent people are now losing faith in police which will ultimately make things even worse than they already are.

All we can do really is hope it all dies down eventually and no more lives are lost

yes, but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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The rioters reason for starting rioting was a police officer shot a man who didn't fire first. yet on the news it was reported that a man was shot in his car during the riots, and died in hospital later that day, Hypocrisy at it's finest.

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