Tom (Rendition) Posted August 16, 2011 Author Posted August 16, 2011 Can someone explain what pyramidding is/how it works? Assuming I'm doing it right. Let's say your 1 rep max with deadlift is 130kg, your deadlift pyramid may look a bit like this: 12 reps x 100kg 10 x 105kg 8 x 110kg 6 x 115kg I've only just started doing them, and I think I'm only going to do them on compounds. They are quite good for pushing yourself to your limit without shattering yourself (like doing 10*3/4*110kg) with deadlift would.
Reevesy Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 tom u've altered ur profile to it shows you as hidden lol Tin_Tin, Adam|Spakka (+ 1 Hidden) and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. also, im doing chest tomorrow and shall be using dumbbells for the first time for a while.. should be fun
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 16, 2011 Author Posted August 16, 2011 tom u've altered ur profile to it shows you as hidden lol Tin_Tin, Adam|Spakka (+ 1 Hidden) and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. also, im doing chest tomorrow and shall be using dumbbells for the first time for a while.. should be fun Lol, oh yeh, sorted now. Your arms are gonna wobble like a pair of saggy tits. GL.
Steroids Posted August 17, 2011 Posted August 17, 2011 Can someone explain what pyramidding is/how it works? Assuming I'm doing it right. Let's say your 1 rep max with deadlift is 130kg, your deadlift pyramid may look a bit like this: 12 reps x 100kg 10 x 105kg 8 x 110kg 6 x 115kg I've only just started doing them, and I think I'm only going to do them on compounds. They are quite good for pushing yourself to your limit without shattering yourself (like doing 10*3/4*110kg) with deadlift would. u go back down too if pyramiding lol.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 18, 2011 Author Posted August 18, 2011 Havn't beat eating enough. Chest + Triceps Dumbell bench 28*10 28*10 28*6 Confused. Incline dumbell bench 24*8 22*6 22*6 I think I had the bench on a steeper setting than last week which is why I found it harder. Flys 22*8 22*8 22*8 Perhaps should let my arms lower a bit wider for extra strain. I'lla im for that + 10 next week. Dips BW+6kg*8 BW+6kg*7 BW+6kg*8 I took my shoes off, they were knocking on the step giving me more resistance. Still dissapointing. Upright tricep rope pull: (the machine doesn't have a weight measurement) 9*6 8*8 8*6 Skull crusher: 30kg*8 gym closed, couldnt finish skull crushers Bad time to start my log really, the last couple of weeks its just been me struggling with gains and bitching about it. Gonna work on my diet alot, hopefully that will help. Yes Mr steroids.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 18, 2011 Author Posted August 18, 2011 ur flys seem unrealistic. check the form. :) [/quote Yeh was noticing that they had pretty much turned into presses. I may go down to 20 next week and lower them a little bit further.
Reevesy Posted August 18, 2011 Posted August 18, 2011 tom if u can fly the same as u can press ur doin it wrong lol
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 18, 2011 Author Posted August 18, 2011 tom if u can fly the same as u can press ur doin it wrong lol Hmmm, I know I should be going further. But I'm dropping my elbows down to right angle to me and then lowering a further 10 percent at the elbow. I'll aim for 30 percent next time.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 21, 2011 Author Posted August 21, 2011 Been busy so I havn't been to the gym in a few days. I ran to the gym as my bike wasn't available. 3-4 miles at a guesstimate. Back Deadlift: 95kg*12 100kg*10 110kg*8 At this point my girlfriend calls me asking to see me, I say I'll be home in 45 minutes. So i dip the last set. First 3 sets were ok, but I'm going to have to buy gloves, the grip in my left hand is giving me big troubles with DL. The rest of the workout is less than ideal. 10 seconds rest between sets Wide grip pull up: BW+2kg*11 BW+2kg*6 (10 seconds rest isnt enough) BW+2kg*4 Pull back machine (no weight measurement provided) 10*12 10*10 10*12 Some fat bitch hopped on the machine whilst I went to get a drink, allowed me a bit of recovery time. Found this alot easier then last week. Ran home. I felt good during this workout, shame It was cut short/rushed.
Reevesy Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 gloves r shit, do over-under grip or buy chalk.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 22, 2011 Author Posted August 22, 2011 gloves r shit, do over-under grip or buy chalk. Would my under grip me on the hand i struggle more on?
Reevesy Posted August 22, 2011 Posted August 22, 2011 gloves r shit, do over-under grip or buy chalk. Would my under grip me on the hand i struggle more on? lol no, just grip it over under the way its comfortable.. is much better
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 25, 2011 Author Posted August 25, 2011 Yesterday Chest and tri's Bench 28kg*10 28kg*10 28kg*7 aww I think I'm going to pyramid up to 30 next week. Incline bench 26kg*8 24kg*8 24kg*7 Flys: 20kg*10 20kg*10 20kg*10 nice and deep Dips BW+6kg*11 BW+6kg*9 BW+6kg*7 Upright tricep rope pull Res 9*8 I pull my left tricep on rep 8, I probably should have just quit then, but I was stupid and finished set Res 8*8 Res 8*7 quit cos my left tricep was hurting.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 25, 2011 Author Posted August 25, 2011 This morning legs Squat (don't mock me) 60kg*12 65kg*10 70kg*8 75kg*6 Not too hard, will move up to 80kg next week. Calf press Res 13*12 Res 13*12 Res 13*12 Res 13*12 Leg extension Res 10*10 Res 11*10 Res 11*10 Res 10*10 Had to go to work. May do shoulders tomorrow if my triceps have recovered. Edit: or maybe I will swim
Reevesy Posted August 25, 2011 Posted August 25, 2011 the fuck. u did 13 sets of 12? 4 times over? i dont even understand.
Steroids Posted August 25, 2011 Posted August 25, 2011 follow a pre-made routine lol. ur workout is a mess.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 25, 2011 Author Posted August 25, 2011 Yeh, it's calf dips. It's weird. I feel th eburn massively at the time, but can recover really quickly. Why is it a mess lol.
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 29, 2011 Author Posted August 29, 2011 Saturdays shoulders Wide grip pull up: BW+2kg*12 BW+2kg*10 BW+2kg*8 DB seated military press: 22kg*7 20kg*8 20kg*8 Hmmm, no real gain from last week? Lat Raise 9kg*12 9kg*12 9kg*11 Couldn't force a proper last one our =(, I'll go up to 10kg next week. Military Press 40kg*8 40kg*8 40kg*8
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 29, 2011 Author Posted August 29, 2011 Today back and biceps Deadlift 12*90kg 10*100kg 8*110kg 6*120kg Over under grip works well for me. Wide grip pull up: BW+4kg*11 BW+4kg*9 BW+4kg*7 Seated pull back machine. On 11/16 weight (whatever that is?) *8 *8 *8 Chinup: BW+8kg*8 BW+8kg*8 BW+8kg*7 Didn't like doing this exericse at all, my feet kept knocking on the machine, and the db kept slipping in my legs. Kinda felt like a waste of time anyways. One arm db row (each arm seperately): 30kg*10 I picked a callous off my left hand yesterday, and it was giving me problems so I didnt finish routine. Oh and 30kg was the heaviest db lol. Tom hates biceps. Barbell curl 25kg*10 25kg*8 25kg*8
Tom (Rendition) Posted August 29, 2011 Author Posted August 29, 2011 Yeh, I feel pullups in my shoulders as much as my back :s
Smush Posted August 29, 2011 Posted August 29, 2011 Yeh, I feel pullups in my shoulders as much as my back :s You're doing it wrong then, you should feel it most in your lats.
Steroids Posted August 29, 2011 Posted August 29, 2011 na lol i doubt u actually feel it in ur lats.... even though ur right thats the main focus of the exercise. most people feel it most in bi's.
Tris Posted August 29, 2011 Posted August 29, 2011 Yeah my callouses have been giving me a hard time lately with the free weight stuff.
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