Tom (Rendition) Posted November 12, 2011 Author Posted November 12, 2011 What do you work as? Got 2 jobs. One is as a supervisor in an outdoor retailer, the other I can't tell you cos it could get me in trouble.....sorry.
Reevesy Posted November 12, 2011 Posted November 12, 2011 What do you work as? Got 2 jobs. One is as a supervisor in an outdoor retailer, the other I can't tell you cos it could get me in trouble.....sorry. night time jigalo
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 12, 2011 Author Posted November 12, 2011 What do you work as? Got 2 jobs. One is as a supervisor in an outdoor retailer, the other I can't tell you cos it could get me in trouble.....sorry. night time jigalo :(
Smush Posted November 12, 2011 Posted November 12, 2011 What do you work as? Got 2 jobs. One is as a supervisor in an outdoor retailer, the other I can't tell you cos it could get me in trouble.....sorry. night time jigalo :( Prostitute/drug dealer/ embezzler/ tax fraud/ murderer/ gay porn/ regular porn/ animal porn The joke has now been overkilled.
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 12, 2011 Author Posted November 12, 2011 Mismatch of workout 1 and 2. Started squatting, back felt like death so didn't feel confident enough to carry on. Bench: 2 warm up sets 50kg*5 60kg*5 70kg*5 80kg*4 Will try again next week for 5. Was supposed to do 60*10*2, but then I Military Press: 2 warm up sets 35kg*5 40kg*5 45kg*5 45kg*5 Felt kinda easy this week, up to 50 next week. Bulgarian one legged squat: 24kg*10 24kg*10 24kg*10 Chinups/pull ups to 50: 13 fairly wide grip chinup. 1 minutre rest - If i don't go too mad on the first set, I can do better in the later sets 10 wide grip pullup. 1 minute rest 11 fairly wide grip chinup. 1 minute 30. 8 wide grip pullup. 1 minute 30. 8 chinups. 50 - Gasssssed. Oh and up to 74kg, my heaviest ever :)
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 16, 2011 Author Posted November 16, 2011 2 days ago, mixture of workout 1/2 Still can't squat, hurts when I sneeze, I'm gonna book a doctors appointment for the next weekday I have off. Incline bench: 2 warm up sets 50*5 60*5 70*5 75*5 Will go up to 80 if flat bench day goes ok. 60*9 80*8 Calf dips: Fuck knows, did 3 sets of 12 though. Dips: 25 18 I don't know why my recovery is so bad on these. 15 Chinups: Did 3 sets, felt unmotivated, went home. bad workout. Taking up MMA, will be going to the gym less often.
Reevesy Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 Wtf is MMA? u dont google anything ever do you... mixed martial arts.
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 26, 2011 Author Posted November 26, 2011 Went gym 5 days ago or something: Flat bench: Warm up sets 55*5 65*5 75*5 82.5*5 60*9 60*8 Then i went home cos I was stiff from MMA/feeling demotivated. Todays all body: Squat, first time squatting in a while: Warm up sets 60*5 70*5 80*5 90*5 70*10 70*10 Bench: Warm up sets 60*5 70*7 80*5 shake shake shake 80*4 shake shake shake shake shake 60*10 Bulgarian one legged: 24*10 24*10 24*10 Military Press: 35*5 40*5 45*5 47.5*4 40*7 Curl bro was using the 35 which is what I wanted to use. Kneeling one arm row: 34*6 34*6 34*6 Crocs: 34*15
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 30, 2011 Author Posted November 30, 2011 A couple of days ago: Was a shit day Started on dips cos the bench was busy. Dips: BW*22 BW*18 BW*15 Incline bench: warm up 40*5 logic fail, didn't realise i should have started at 50 until my set at 50 50*5 70*5 80*3 shit reps, probably would have been able to do 4 decent if i hadn't start with dips. 60*8 60*7 Should probably do burn sets on 55 on incline bench 50 Pullups: Felt lazy, did three sets then gave up, fuck you. Shrugs: 34*10*3 BAd Also I cycled to Soho and back.
Godspk Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 I'm a coach and i go to boxing. Barely have time with the gym but i still have my 6 packs. Almost 8 the last 2 are a bit smaller then the others. My point is... * Gym * Boxing ??
Godspk Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 I don't get your point lol To gain muscle mass and get ur packs on ur stomache bigger etc. Because i find boxing really good for that.
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 30, 2011 Author Posted November 30, 2011 I don't get your point lol To gain muscle mass and get ur packs on ur stomache bigger etc. Because i find boxing really good for that. Still don't really get it. I'm not six pack hunting, and boxing certainly won't help with muscle mass. I do kickboxing as part of MMA, but i wouldn't consider it a stomach workout, back of shoulders is where I feel it the most.
Godspk Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 I don't get your point lol To gain muscle mass and get ur packs on ur stomache bigger etc. Because i find boxing really good for that. Still don't really get it. I'm not six pack hunting, and boxing certainly won't help with muscle mass. I do kickboxing as part of MMA, but i wouldn't consider it a stomach workout, back of shoulders is where I feel it the most. Thats the respond i needed ty. Considering spending more time in the gym than boxing.
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 30, 2011 Author Posted November 30, 2011 If you exercise for aesthetics, then gym will do more for you than boxing. Boxing is good for making you look toned as it is such a fast calorie burner, but as I said earlier, you won't ever look big on boxing alone. Aesthetics is only a small part of why I exercise; so for me....I'm probably gonna in the future go to the less more frequently and train MMA more.
Tom (Rendition) Posted December 4, 2011 Author Posted December 4, 2011 Awful sleeping pattern means I'm lacking energy a bit: Military Press: 2 warm up sets 35*5 40*5 45*5 47.5*5 Not too hard, time to go up to 50. 35*9 35*9 Squat: 2 warm up sets 70*5 90*5 100*5 Bad depth 100*4 Bad depth 60*9 60*9 Incline DB bench (boy oh boy been a long time since ive done any presses with any DB's, find it hard now) 26*10 26*10 26*9 26*7 Bulgarian one leg squats: 28*10 28*10 28*10 50 chinups/pullups: 10 chinups 10 pullups 10 chinups 7 pullups 9 chinups 5 pullups Getting worse at these for some reason.
Tom (Rendition) Posted December 27, 2011 Author Posted December 27, 2011 I have been to the gym a couple of times imbetween last update, but I've been too lazy to blog. Today - all body: Bench: 2 warm up sets 60*5 70*4 80*4 87.5*3 60*10 60*10 Bulgarian One leg: 32*10 32*10 32*10 Military Press: 35*5 40*5 45*5 47.5*5 - I should have done 50 really, was doubting myself because I havn't been gym in about 10 days. 35*8 35*8 DB row: 36*7 36*7 36*7 Krok Row: 36*15 Shrugs: 32*12 32*12 32*12 Pretty good in general.
Reevesy Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 tom. why the fuck do u do 40x5 45x5 then 47.5 x5, u could do 40x3 then 47.5x7-8, the 47 is what actually counts mate. you need a feel for the weight not to burn urself out before hand! also y allways 5 reps, should go till failure (unless u do).
Tom (Rendition) Posted December 27, 2011 Author Posted December 27, 2011 tom. why the fuck do u do 40x5 45x5 then 47.5 x5, u could do 40x3 then 47.5x7-8, the 47 is what actually counts mate. you need a feel for the weight not to burn urself out before hand! also y allways 5 reps, should go till failure (unless u do). Cos thats what my routine says lol. The top set is a weight I can do 5 reps max on. I guess what you are saying makes sense. So if you were me on military, you would do - 40*3 47.5*8*3? And burn sets on top? Or if it was next week - 40*3 50*5*3 Burn sets? Edit: But I kinda like working up in 5 rep sets to 10% off my 1rm, then finishing on higher rep burn sets. My body responds well to it.
Reevesy Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 no man just the 1 set lol for as many reps as humanly possible. then u up the weight each time by 2.5kg doing the same, until u peak, then u go back down and beat all previous reps on all weights edit: as for burn sets, wutever, i dont do em but u can lol
Tom (Rendition) Posted January 8, 2012 Author Posted January 8, 2012 At the moment my exercise for a week is as follows: MMA twice a week, swim once a week, heavy bag once a week, sprints and lower body plyos once a week, gym once a week. 73kg bodyweight bench 2 warm up sets 70*4 80*4 90*4 - Yay, 3rd and 4th rep were probably spotted a fair bit though. 70*8 70*7 calf dips who gives a shit about reps/weights Military press: 45*4 50*4 52.5*4 45*7 57*7 Reverse db flys: Can no longer do db rows cos my lower back is shit 14*10 14*10 14*10 Dips: BW*25 BW*25 BW*18 cba good workout
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