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HUGE FOE+EX-FOE pking trip

gooned m8 k0

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gooned m8 k0

ok, so after experiencing the OLD SCHOOL FOE trip, that i was lucky enough to lead and provide a CC for, malik brought up the idea of a FOE+EX-FOE pking trip, so here it is folks.

name: FOE+EX-FOE pk trip

date: friday july 31st


          7pm central

          9pm est

          5pm (west coast people)

          1am gmt

i know you'll have just had your friday trip, so this gives members a few hours to cool off after the trip, sell their profits, etc. so i figured it would be an ideal time to start the trip.  its a bit late for our eorupeans in FOE but otherwise its a great timezone for the americans and the aussies.  i want this to be a chance for many of our 2006-2008 old schoolers/ex-foe to go, and also our current FOE, and our FA unit aswell.

however there are some rules:

1. the HONOUR code will still be in full effect at this trip, granted it is a fun event it is still the wild.  all FOE members are expected to abide by this, as are everybody else at this trip (meaning ex-foe can't tele from fights etc)

2. TS will be mandatory (and seeing as everybody in foe and or was in FOE had to have it) a par usual

3. the FOE cape and hat will be required at this trip for EVERYBODY (ranked members in FOE can wear the purple hats if they want) as it brings back the spirit of FOE and shows off the pride this clan has.

4. massing will take place 30 minutes prior to the trip at w71 edge f2p or p2p will be decided then (most likely p2p as we will be able to handle our level differences with more effectiveness)

5. as far as a sign-up goes, its an open event, so just post if you have hte time open to attend.  thanks and lets make a memorable friday


Good idea, just might wanna put on member's boards.


Won't be many people out, but good luck with it anyways. Can't make it unfortunately.

gooned m8 k0

if you can copy/past this and post in members boards and the event's board (As i can't as an  ally and wont be getting my mod back anytime soon) i would grately appreciate it


sounds fun, i was 2008 ex-foe for a bit :)


Sounds good, will probably be there depending if we're going +1 worlds so i can bring ags. :)


Your time conversions are off :(

I believe you mean 8pm EST, which I doubt you will get many people for seeing as our scheduled trip normally lasts til then...

gooned m8 k0

hell, its a rough timing, and if the FOE trip goes a little later we'll just push it back.  im not expecting 50-60 people, im expecting more between 20-30 people, but mixed between ex-foe and foe.  we'll pull through and sam ofc we'll use +1 worlds.


I was FOE back in 2007 or maybe 2006, can't fully remember. Do I have to come on the account that was in FOE or can I come on a pure is around 77 combat.

Either way, I'll be there, although I'll be on TS I wont be talking because it'll be 1AM.


2 am for me doubt I'll make it

good luck with the trip though :nice:

watch me tb

did u have to be fully in or could fa come from like 3 years ago

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