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Phr33 GeePee


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seems fun but wont be home for it



Gareth l Rare

He admin on PW so its very likely that this is legit.

Link is safe, nuttah haha its PW not a phish  :shifty: but for the special people who dont want to stray away from foe>

Hello and welcome to Pure Warfare's next public community event - the 2v2 Hybrid Tournament. Most of you are probably used to massive clan based events (such as Red vs Blue) so I thought it's time to give members an opportunity to prove themselves as individuals. Each and every member has the opportunity to participate in this event.

This tournament will consist of four separate brackets. The brackets are as follows:

•High Rollers - There will be an entry fee and a cash prize for winning. Only the bravest will enter this bracket.

•Mains - Anything goes.

•Pures - Teams with a total combat level of 160+ may join this bracket.

•'Lil Pures - Teams with a total combat of 159- may join this bracket.


1.Clan membership is irrelevant. (Your team-mate does not need to be in the same clan as you.)

2.Each team-mate must be a member of this community.

3.Your RuneScape Adventurer's Log must be public.

4.Best of 3 per round.

5.Map: Classic (Round 3 Plateau Run In if needed)

6.Time of each round will be determined by myself or the events team. Failure to arrive results in a forfeit.

7.All brackets except High Rollers will take place in Safe Clan Wars.

8.The registration deadline is Sunday, August 14th by 11:59PM (Eastern Time).

9.The brackets will be constructed and announced on Monday, and battles will begin that week.

10.High Roller entry fees must only be given to myself. Contact me via IRC or PW forums to make your payment.

High Rollers


1.Entry Fee: 2m (1m per member)

2.Dangerous Clan wars

3.Combat rules below.

Combat Rules

1.One defense cap.

2.Curses Off

3.Handcannon Off

4.Corrupt Weapons On

5.Miasmic Off

6.Dung Weapons On

7.Summoning Off

8.Body body Off

9.Vengeance Off


First Place

•30m RSGP + all entry fees

•Customized signature

•Bragging rights

Second Place

•10m RSGP

Third Place

•5m RSGP

Mains Bracket

Combat Rules

1.No defense cap.

2.Curses On

3.Handcannon On

4.Corrupt Weapons On

5.Miasmic On

6.Dung Weapons On

7.Summoning On

8.Vengeance Off


•Customized signature.

•5m RSGP

Pures & 'Lil Pures Brackets

Combat Rules

1.One defense cap.

2.No accounts 30+ defense.

3.Curses Off

4.Handcannon Off

5.Corrupt Weapons On

6.Miasmic Off

7.Dung Weapons On

8.Summoning Off

9.Body body Off

10.Vengeance Off


•Customized signature.

•5m RSGP


to sign up go to PW and fill out the app


dude u might want to change the title so its a bit more catchy for FOE , they dont understand Ph33 GEEPEEE

make it a little more accessable to every1 yh?


i understand phr33 geeepeeee, when i see a group of pink hats standing around with there thumbs up there bums.


put me and triko in for it. pig steroids - cb 88+7, triko - like 101+12. we cbf to make pw accs tho.


if i had good stats i would join but #cantafford

Hello and welcome to Pure Warfare's next public community event - the 2v2 Hybrid Tournament. Most of you are probably used to massive clan based events (such as Red vs Blue) so I thought it's time to give members an opportunity to prove themselves as individuals.

lolled. seems fun though.


im bad at mini-wars :(

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