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Weight and Body Fat % Question.

B L l l T Z

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Last night I weighed myself and I weighed in at 182 and 17% body fat, and this morning I weighed in at 178 and 21% body fat.


Im also 5"11

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You must be using an electric one?

if so, it works by knowing the resistance of fat and sending electric pulses and measuring the recieved pulse.

Many things can make the electric bf wrong, such as different fluids in the stomach. They really arent a good measure of somebodies BF. Try getting some digital calipers.

However if you have the same amount of fat (not talking about %, i mean lbs of fat) then the heavier you are, 'the more dilute' and therefore your bodyfat percentage is decreased.

Thats why your bodyfat is lower in the first, than in the second

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