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<3 miss mag1x


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Been a while since I have been banned, I might aswell come out of hiding now.

-01:29- <Miss_Mag1x> Rofl and you flammed me that time you saw me at g/e? nice IRL pic LMFAO

-01:29- <Mackie> thanks bro

-01:29- <Miss_Mag1x> bro? get your eyes checked lmfao

-01:29- <Mackie> thanks for your concern bro

-01:30- <Miss_Mag1x> nuff said, rofl kill yourself irl

-01:30- <Mackie> but i love you

-01:30- <Miss_Mag1x> i cant believe you flame ppl on rs when you look like that

-01:30- <Miss_Mag1x> lmfao

-01:31- <Mackie> i cant eblive you flame me when youre scared to post your pic :(

-01:31- <Mackie> try google.com to find pictures of women to pretend to be

-01:32- <Miss_Mag1x> actually Foe knows what i look like, and it isn't google'd when i have 40+ pictures of myself on my comp

-01:32- <Mackie> bro i have archives of 400+ pictures of 1 single girl that i can pretend to be

-01:32- <Mackie> your shit is weak bro

-01:33- <Miss_Mag1x> lol...nice life than

-01:33- <Mackie> THANKS BRO

-01:33- <Miss_Mag1x> rofl your pathetic, and btw you suck @ pking

-01:34- <Mackie> youre pathetic

-01:34- <Mackie> and you suck at pking more

-01:34- <Miss_Mag1x> yah look @ yourself irl, your fat, your ugly, you clearly don't know how to use a razor and your prolley still a virgin so, nice life

-01:34- <Mackie> you lok at u self bro

-01:34- <Mackie> u pretend to be a girl

-01:34- <Mackie> need i say more

-01:35- <Miss_Mag1x> pretend? ask people that have known me for a long time, they all know what i look like irl so take your accusations elsewhere

-01:35- <Mackie> PROVE IT

-01:36- <Miss_Mag1x> like im gonna send you a pic of me? rofl that's a joke, your some fat horny little teenager who cant get some

-01:36- <Mackie> teenager?

-01:36- <Mackie> im 32 kid

-01:37- <Miss_Mag1x> rofl, you just embarassed yourself for me

-01:37- <Mackie> youre a kid bro

-01:37- <Miss_Mag1x> yah im not 32 still playing rs as a virigin, i am a teenager

-01:38- <Mackie> actualy im 19 not a virgin love rs just like you

-01:38- <Mackie> infact we are the same kind

-01:39- <Mackie> i think we could be soul mates

-01:39- <Mackie> we have SO MUCH IN COMMON

-01:39- <Miss_Mag1x> your a 32 year old virgin, asking a 17 yr old girl for her picture, that's illegal you pedophile, go to strip club or something perv

-01:39- <Mackie> im not 32 D:

-01:39- <Mackie> you got lied to

-01:39- <Mackie> sorry babe lets start over

-01:40- <Mackie> lets make this work

-01:40- <Miss_Mag1x> don't talk to me

-01:40- <Mackie> but

-01:40- <Mackie> BUT I LOVE YOU :(

-01:42- <Mackie> i put on my robe and wizard hat...

-01:42- No such nick/channel

Yeah I'm still rocking hard how are you guys?

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AHAHAHAHHAHA Mackie i FCUKING LOVE YOU that just made me laugh sooooooooooo hard in real life ahahahha omg that was perfect ahaha omg bro your legit !

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