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I want to get 0BR big.


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So I have been working out for about 3 years now, and after lurking here I have some questions. First off past 3 years I have only been working out 5 days a week at school so Saturday and Sunday I could never go workout so I just assumed them as rest days. Basically right now I do a workout similar to this:

Monday - Chest & Triceps

Tuesday -  Shoulders & Biceps

Wednesday - Back & Abs

Thursday - Chest & Triceps

Friday - Quads/Calves/Hamstrings

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - Rest

As you can probably tell I'm trying to work on my chest a lot more and I just finish with three tricep workouts as they are worked during my chest day. So before you criticize me and tell me "You don't need chest blah blah" I was always very lanky and when I first started working out I did a lot more shoulders then and didn't like chest so I avoided. Now I feel like my chest is lagging behind the rest of my body. I have just got a new membership at the gym and I was wondering if any of you could advise me a new workout plan for 7 days a week, with possibly a bit more focus on chest.

Be gentle with the hurtful words as I am only human.

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7 day splits are pretty non existent for obvious reasons. everyone needs their rest.

uv been working out for like same amount of time as me, have you completely changed ur physique etc or was most of the years not fully concernrating on diet etc aswell?

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Throughout these past 3 years I have taken minimal consideration to my diet. I drink lots of water and don't go for fast food often but I don't make sure I eat every 2 hours or any of that. I have quite a high metabolism and when I took protein I didn't really find any noticeable gains on it. I have also tried pre-workout stuff, which had zero effect on me. You all saw my picture I posted a while ago in member boards, so I'll try to get one up soon, judge for yourself the noticeable changes.

Question though, if you could make it into a percentage, how important is your diet in gains? Ex) Gaining strength is 70% working out, 30% diet.

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Tom (Rendition)

Either you won't be working your muscles hard enough each session or you are going to burn yourself out.

Edit:  I don't want to sound like a judgemental prick, but from what I remember you looking like, it doesnt look like you've worked out for 3 years.  Maybe you are doing something wrong?

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Either you won't be working your muscles hard enough each session or you are going to burn yourself out.

Edit:  I don't want to sound like a judgemental prick, but from what I remember you looking like, it doesnt look like you've worked out for 3 days.  Maybe you are doing something wrong?

lol silly jon

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My picture in member boards is about 2 years and half ago, and if I showed you a picture from 3 years and a half you would see the difference. Not saying soccer players are weak because obviously steroids beats that stereotype, but I have always been tall and lanky and for my first 15 years of my life the only muscle building exercise I ever did was push ups, and that was only as a punishment if we fucked up at soccer practice. I literally had to build from nothing, and that was very frustrating mentally as at the start I had very minimal gains. Just to toss a number out there 3 years ago I had max bench at around 60 lbs. Now I would like to say I can do 205 on a good day.

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U want to get a bigger chest, dont do chest,  then shoulders the next day.

Its probs 40% gym, 60% nutrition, however obviously you wont grow without either.

Look up a mass gaining workout, get some good protein, and sort your diet out and you will gain shit loads

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday - Chest & Triceps

Tuesday -  Shoulders & Biceps

Wednesday - Back & Abs

Thursday - Chest & Triceps

Friday - Quads/Calves/Hamstrings

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - Rest

I always need Saturday and Sunday as rest days, though I might do a bit of cardio at home. How should I re-arrange Monday through Friday?

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- Flat Bench

- Incline Bench

- Dumbell Press

- Flys



- Deadlifts

- Row

- Need 3 more


- Squats

- Leg Press

- Calf Raises

- Need 2 more


- Shoulder press

- Shrugs

- Farmer walk

- Need 2 more


- Bicep curls with curl bar

- Skull crushers

- Pull ups or focused curls

- Dips

Suggestions? After reading this and body building .com i realize my splits were fucking awful hence why I don't know that many exercises as I used to do multiple areas at once.

Edit: Smush right now I'm 6'1, 172lbs, Max bench 205lbs, Never done max Squat but my guess would be 285 area, Deadlift maybe 185? I was never very keen on deadlifts as my form was never the best and I would kill my back. I might post a log to show you guys my progress...

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