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Fri 19th Aug Clan wars


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• 19th Friday clan wars


Still kinda new at warring, 4th event, loved it

For any other people who make video's, what's the height and width of the settings ect, since these settings just look absolutely horrible  :facepalm:



EDIT : 100th post dedicated to my homeboy


and , why dont u use mystic might? 15% extra dmg?

I saw myself multiple times in this video


because I woke up 4 mins till the trip started. was rusty as fuck you can tell by my mouse. :p


nice, i'm fairly new to warring too, but i can give you some tips (hopefully they help)

try to be attacking someone ALL THE TIME. if you don't hear a callout, just click someone anyway, look for diff cape, unfamiliar names, or just look at your teammates and follow where they're attacking (you can look at the minimap too, but sometimes i find that i'm standing around a couple seconds if i'm looking at the minimap for someone to hit)

if you aren't being hit, smite

as said above, use +15% mage pray

try to catch a freeze before blood barraging

use your stream when you're not being hit

again, i'm new to warring too, so i'm only fairly sure these are good tips lol (just tryin to help out). gl with future wars/events


nice, you get the hang of it soon ;)


nice, i'm fairly new to warring too, but i can give you some tips (hopefully they help)

try to be attacking someone ALL THE TIME. if you don't hear a callout, just click someone anyway, look for diff cape, unfamiliar names, or just look at your teammates and follow where they're attacking (you can look at the minimap too, but sometimes i find that i'm standing around a couple seconds if i'm looking at the minimap for someone to hit)

if you aren't being hit, smite

as said above, use +15% mage pray

try to catch a freeze before blood barraging

use your stream when you're not being hit

again, i'm new to warring too, so i'm only fairly sure these are good tips lol (just tryin to help out). gl with future wars/events

Thanks for the good feedback, we also had a 2nd round in the plateu, i was doing what you said above, its just in the 1st round I was acting retarded, barraging with ph neck xD


im so good at spamming !

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