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New weapons

Kiid Ownage

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Kiid Ownage

Just a pic of a few of the new weapons.

           Whip                   Rune scim                  DScim                  DLong

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Thanks for posting this.

I like the Whip/Rune scim.

Don't care either way about the D Long/Scim.

Kiid Ownage

Thanks for posting this.

I like the Whip/Rune scim.

Don't care either way about the D Long/Scim.

Yea when you attack with a whip its realy cool lol

I like the whip


when i hold whip it feels like i have fucking parkinsons disease


The new whip looks tight, but the other weapons look kinda stupid..

S W 1 F T Z

whip and runescim lookvery nice.. but dscim is held like dlong now? i dont like that..


i look like an arab


Dragon Scimitar is kinda cool too.


Rune scim and Whip look the best, dscim looks retarded, and idgaf about dlong

smited claws

i like the whip. But im not a fan of how the rest of them hit and look.


Whip is the only improved one the rest are just failiures.


i think whip is awesome and the rune scim is a step up, i don't like the other two tho : (

watch me tb

whip and runescim lookvery nice.. but dscim is held like dlong now? i dont like that..

d scim amd r scim are held the same


I must be the only one who likes the old whip... Oh well. I hate the new weapon looks, I'm trying to ignore their existence right now.


d scim and d long is really stupid looking i mostly just don't like how the scims are held amd how the weapons are so small looking i personally liked the older version better whip is only kinda cool one r scim is okay but held weird.


Scim doesn't look that bad I guess and I like the way they block. Havnt tried whip or long yet so go no opinions on them though the whip looks good.


Rune scim looks like a beast.


Whip and rune scim looks ownage, whip looks like it does on private servers lol.

D long looks like d2h now :o


Sorry but this just wins

Posted Image

Elven Dremor

whip and runescim lookvery nice.. but dscim is held like dlong now? i dont like that..

d scim amd r scim are held the same

That's what I was thinking lmfao.

Whip = Beast.

At least Dragon Scimitar spec doesn't look so shit anymore.


The whip looks awesome. So does the idle animation it does when you're just standing there it swings back and forth.  Rune scimitar looks cool (I'm surprised they just didn't update all the other scimitars too because they still look the same but that'll come later I guess). D scimitar looks so small and fragile to me ;_; it'll grow on me I guess. I think it looks cool when it's in your inventory lol. That godsword animation IKZ posted is awesome too, with the exception of the first couple of frames lol.


They look cool from what I see on this picture, since I don't play anymore ofcourse.

R scim looks pretty pimpin.


rune scim looks best :)

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