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New weapons

Kiid Ownage

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im liking the whip :)

but i think the scim needs to be more on more of a angle like it used to be...

looks, pretty shit how it is now :/ and i like the look of the d long... :D


I think it all looks nice but the swings are gay.


whip and rune scimmy look better dragon jus looks retarted i say and the way u attck with 2hs and scims is even worse  :huh:

m4x3d 0ut v3

whip and runescim lookvery nice.. but dscim is held like dlong now? i dont like that..

i know same opinion on the matter^^ but i also dont like how it attacks now to.. like godswords sara swords exc needs to be fixed/looked at  :omg:

x kill die x

d long is probably the only thing that went better in my opinion  (n)

Folk 4 Lif3-Trae

d long looks pretty hawt tbh

Dom - Turts

all look sick but d scim... i mean wtf is up with the attack its like ur trying to use it as an obby maul....

nice thread =)

Creamie pies

The whip looks like anal beeds....

Just putting that out there  :ahhh:

m4x3d 0ut v3

d long is probably the only thing that went better in my opinion  (n)

Lol.. the spec does look pretty sick for d long  B)

Going Pking3

Only one I like is the whip, it looks pretty sick. The R-Scim looks ok, but doesn't fit with RS imo.. And the dragon ones idc about really...


dragon longsword will always be the king, no matter how it looks

jak is beazt

Idk, tbh I hate how the D Long looks now, I don't like the little hook at the end, I like the old DScim better, or maybe its just cuz you hold it like a retard now.

Oh well RNGR4LYF


d long is beast, scim is shit, r scim is kay, whip is epic


If it ain't broke don't fucking fix it jagex


Yeah i like the way the whip and rune scim LOOK, but not how scims are held.

And dragon scim looks so gay.


nice post but the new wapons are ugly whips hit uglyer now.. all messed up


=P I think the whip looks slower now and scimmys are a bit cooler


i think the new whip looks like a christmas ornament and the d scim is to similar to the long, the only good update was rune scim

I Wi S H Z I

I must be the only one who likes the old whip... Oh well. I hate the new weapon looks, I'm trying to ignore their existence right now.

I think the whip looks like a bit of flexi-wood with Xmas lights wrapped around.


If it ain't broke don't fucking fix it jagex


Sooooo fucking true.

hunt godlink

Homo =[


rune scim looked so much better b4...


The new whip looks tight, but the other weapons look kinda stupid..

Agree.  :victory:

str pr4y ko

whip looks hella kool...all the others are kinda lame tbh

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