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A Serbian Film


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I doubt anyone actually enjoys it, it doesn't have a smart, clever, or interesting plot, it doesn't convey a message, and there's no real entertainment value, it's pretty much a pointless movie.

Like most modern horror films I think you'll find.

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"The unique magic of rigamortis"

You're all pussys. Film is fucking brilliant.

I want that guy to fuck u so hard that his dick will come out your mouth and chop your head of and keep it as trophy u mug

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"The unique magic of rigamortis"

You're all pussys. Film is fucking brilliant.

I want that guy to fuck u so hard that his dick will come out your mouth and chop your head of and keep it as trophy u mug

y would he chop his own dick off??

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"The unique magic of rigamortis"

You're all pussys. Film is fucking brilliant.

I want that guy to fuck u so hard that his dick will come out your mouth and chop your head of and keep it as trophy u mug

You can think of shit like this yet when you watch a film; a mere recreation, a fictional portrayal of events, you get scared and pussy out. Well you are awfully backwards which explains your retardation. Fucking idiot.

I would add that his wife is fit as fuck especially after she has bitten his brother's throat and is covered in a crimson glisten.

As a film it's quite shit and so boring. Made me laugh more than anything.

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"The unique magic of rigamortis"

You're all pussys. Film is fucking brilliant.

I want that guy to fuck u so hard that his dick will come out your mouth and chop your head of and keep it as trophy u mug

You can think of shit like this yet when you watch a film; a mere recreation, a fictional portrayal of events, you get scared and pussy out. Well you are awfully backwards which explains your retardation. Fucking idiot.

I would add that his wife is fit as fuck especially after she has bitten his brother's throat and is covered in a crimson glisten.

As a film it's quite shit and so boring. Made me laugh more than anything.

Oh lord I lol'd

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"The unique magic of rigamortis"

You're all pussys. Film is fucking brilliant.

I want that guy to fuck u so hard that his dick will come out your mouth and chop your head of and keep it as trophy u mug

y would he chop his own dick off??

you might want to read again. HA!

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Surprisingly I'm not the only person who watched the film, I'm also not the only person who isn't disgusted by it. I do believe bragging would be "hahaha I'm the best at watching sick films" which there is no evidence of.


Honestly, you are a daft cunt aren't you.

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Surprisingly I'm not the only person who watched the film, I'm also not the only person who isn't disgusted by it. I do believe bragging would be "hahaha I'm the best at watching sick films" which there is no evidence of.


Honestly, you are a daft cunt aren't you.

I used the word almost you fucking emo mug, HA! Daft you make me laugh keep trying.


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Lol flex. You're like a down syndromed pet for the forums. Glad you're enjoying yourself little buddy.

It isn't a nasty film though, there are a lot of elements that are very well done and others that are a bit average. The entire film was a bit boring and I set myself up for wataching something disturbing. It wasn't that bad. It was just funny for the most part. The gore wasn't particularly horrifying and neither is the subject matter.

I enjoyed it, do I give a fuck? Nope.

For those that have watached it, what is it about this film that people actually find so appauling? And for those that haven't what keeps you away?

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I don't find movies with women getting raped, guys getting raped, babies getting rape, good or enjoyable at all.

People who find this movie to be "A good watch" have sick and twisted minds, and should be checked.

I don't care how well it's done, it doesn't make it less disgusting. I hate the fact that film makers are using shock factors to get people to watch their shitty movies. What ever happened to genuinely good/ well done movies?

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Lol flex. You're like a down syndromed pet for the forums. Glad you're enjoying yourself little buddy.

Lol i hope forums entertains you youre always on it and posting alot got nothing better to do "little buddy".

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Elven Dremor

-I set myself up for wataching something disturbing

-For those that have watached it



I personally wouldn't watch this, simply because Pedophilia, and Necrophilia is fucked.

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