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Bv leader closes clan and cries


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lmfao watch the whole vid lol'd the entire time

3:30 is my fav part lmfao

and lmfao at 8:10 you can hear his mom beating his brother


That's the leader...? Fucking hell, why would anyone follow that spastic's orders.

edit: He also doesn't understand that the word founder means they created the clan, you can't change the founder.... why is he asking people to be 'founder', is he fucking retarded?


That's the leader...? Fucking hell, why would anyone follow that spastic's orders.

edit: He also doesn't understand that the word founder means they created the clan, you can't change the founder.... why is he asking people to be 'founder', is he fucking retarded?

ya lmfao


intense shit.

#applications open @ #FOE


The bloodyness will never be forgotten


he freakin goes to the army he wants to get himself killed go get yourself killed playing this game for BV better than gettin frickin killed by soldiers!!!!!!


he freakin goes to the army he wants to get himself killed go get yourself killed playing this game for BV better than gettin frickin killed by soldiers!!!!!!


OMFG I loved bv. Sad they are gone.


Shit clan. Shit "Founder". How can he give a speech about ppl ditching him and how stupid it is and yet he's looking to ditch to?? lol he's no better than the twats before him. Good fight BV shits.


Haha, this guy is great get him in Foe asap.


wtf is BV


L0l this kids an idiot, he sounds stupid too.


awwww sad to see BV go, they were such an amusing clan


whats a bv.

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