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Defence (part2)


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Vlooie, does Rune Range5 still play?

That's an old mate of mine from old wilderness :o.

Know a way for me to contact him or something?

Very nice achievements mate =). If I was you I would have stayed 75 def for a bit to pk :p.

ive known him for several years now, think he has a pure in Fi (where i know him from).

just come to foe trips and youll see him tagging along with fi (on that account).

and lol @ walli :p

m4x3d 0ut v3

You're so pro.

nothing more to add. :rolleyes:


Gratz, hope you like def.

Kiid Ownage

wow man fucking beast..


OH LAWD! THE VOID! IT BURNS!!! But god damn...You have achieved so damn much on there in such little time...


Nicely done Mr. Vlooie.


keep it up vlooie :)

C L 0 W N Zz

That sure is a beast acc u got there :P, Gl on 99 def (:


Very hot stats

*fappidy fap fap*


Looks like you don't regret it at all, which is nice.


Your account is vicious


Vlooie, does Rune Range5 still play?

That's an old mate of mine from old wilderness :o.

Know a way for me to contact him or something?

Very nice achievements mate =). If I was you I would have stayed 75 def for a bit to pk :p.

He's Jony on irc, normally in #fatality.

Why vloo? Fail acc now.


my defence is still better than urs


Wow.... Crazy work mate :P

Defence working out :P must be good just detting defence for maxing :D

Nice loots :P well gl with it.


Nice Good luck with training it more and drops

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