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America becoming a Third-World Country

Fairy Boy

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"Don't have proper health care" We have top health care......  the most expensive system in the world. Its not given free thus the quality is better

So you enjoy keeping this quality of health care at the cost of millions of lives?



amerika guna be like fukin afrika wivin 10 yrs i tel ya



wells for america lookin ass we need clean water


First World - The concept of the First World first originated during the Cold War, where it was used to describe countries that were aligned with the United States.

Sorry we just can't leave our own club. It's just not right.

That's talking about Alliances. Second World meaning Soviet Russia, China, etc. This dicussion is about First and Third world in terms of development.

Don't come posting telling someone they need to learn history when you clearly have no idea what the discussion is about.

Sort your interpretation skills out mate.

No the 1st, 2nd, 3rd world classification system was meant for the aligning countries. You obviously had no idea of this until I gave you the information. If you actually compared the standard of living of some the countries you mentioned compared to the US, then you wouldn't be making this argument. As a matter of fact, if you had paid any attention in history, you probably wouldn't have made this thread.

:facepalm: You're one of the reasons the US is falling in education.

Stop trying to sound smart "mate". First and Third have more than one meaning, Yes, it started off classifying countries by their relation to the US, but after countries that were once labeled as "Second" and "Third" started forming alliances with the US, the meanings changed into terms of how developed the country is compared to others.

Please, if you're going to attempt to debate me, at least know something instead of just copying and pasting off Wikipedia

You still don't get it do you? The meaning hasn't changed, you just never knew the information. Who cares if it's from Wikipedia, it's true and it's something you never knew. And it's no debate, because you haven't given me any sufficient information for me to give a proper rebuttal. To be honest, I'm pretty much just scolding you like a teacher to an ignorant student.

US is not going to turn into a third world country. Get it through your head. You have never lived in a 3rd world country, so I doubt you even know the full extent of the socioeconomic problems that 3rd world countries posses. Don't talk about things you haven't personally experienced or even taken a look at because you sound extremely ignorant.

I don't get it? I did know the information, just because you just found it on wikipedia doesn't mean I didn't already know.

The meaning HAS changed, taken from wikipedia

"This term, when used today, generally denotes countries that have not "developed" to the same levels as OECD countries, and which are thus in the process of "developing". "

This discussion was about America becoming Third World related to other countries, because they are overcoming us in Education, Health, Employement, Wealth etc, while we are barely advancing in these, almost receding. If we keep up the way we are going, other countries will have developed further making us appear to be undeveloped compared to them.

You're not "scolding" me, you're just making yourself look like an uneducated idiot who has no clue what you're talking about.You came here trying to act smart and you completely ruined this topic with your senseless spam, I just won't reply to what you say anymore.

Riots, I.E.D.s (Just means there is war in their country) <- Because they are unstable .. And you think America is stable? bahahaha

"Our education rates are dropping while other countries such as India's are raising" Standards are different, invalid statement. What you just said is invalid.

"Don't have proper health care" We have top health care......  the most expensive system in the world. Its not given free thus the quality is better So it's better for 50 million people to have nothing than for everyone to have free health care even though it's lesser?

"China basically owns us"

we owe 8% to China............................................ 2 trillion in debt to China, we play by theiy economic standards now

"Don't have Jobs for 1 in 5 adults" No 1 in 5 don't work its not that they cant have jobs lol

I belive in 2006 it was 1 in 10 that didn't have jobs. nothing to do with not being able to have jobs

"Arabic countries are meeting with France, China, Japan, and Russia, to discuss cutting off the US Dollar and replacing it with the Euro, Yen, and Gold" Obama is retarded it will be sorted out in 2k12 Hopefully. Obama was going to sort Bushes mess out, but he just made things worse, what's to say the next president won't ruin things further?


america so advanced we dont need no more advancing

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