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Adam's Training Log


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Deadlift (Forgot to bring wrist straps today -.- , was a lot of stopping, readjusting grip, and starting again)

60 x 12

80 x 12

100 x 0 Got it up a bit, grip gave way, so pissed

80 x 3 Mehhhhhhhhhhh!

Straight Arm Pushdown

15 x 12

20 x 12

25 x 5

20 x 12

Low Row

70 x 12

80 x 12

90 x 5

Lat Pulldown (different machine to usual, the whole motion is controlled, bit weird)

60 x 12 Felt weird as hell, felt like i was just using triceps lol

50 x 12 dropped weight, still weird, w/e



DB Press

14 x 12

16 x 9

16 x 5

Rear Delt Row

12 x 12

14 x 12

14 x 12

Lateral Raise

12 x 10

10 x 12

9 x 15

DB Shrugs (all dropsetted)

20 x 30

18 x 20

16 x 20

Tricep Pushdown

15 x 12

25 x 12

30 x 9

One-Arm Pushdown

7.5 x 12

10 x 5

Overhead DB Extension

18 x 12

16 x 12


Fed up of starting work before the gym opens and finishing way after -.-



DB Bench

14 x 12

18 x 12

22 x 7

20 x 9


16 x 12

18 x 8

16 x 10


7.5 x 7 (low position)

10 x 9 (high)

DB Curls

10 x 12 Hammer

10 x 7 Normal/no twist, palms facing forward

12 x 5 Twisting.




60 x 12

80 x 12

100 x 4 decent

V Bar Pulldown

40 x 12

50 x 12

60 x 6

Low Row

75 x 12

85 x 12


Currently 181.4lbs. Nearly gained 10lbs in just under 2 weeks.




20 x 12

30 x 12

40 x 8

45 x 3

Standing Rear Delt Cable Row

5 x 30

7.5 x 22

10 x 12

Lat Raise

9 x 12

9 x 15

Rope Pushdown

20 x 23

25 x 14

30 x 5

One Arm Pushdown

7.5 x 15

5 x 12

10 x 10

Reverse Grip Pushdown

15 x 15

20 x


im confused uve been bulking and deadlifting but it hasnt rly gone up? it should really be like 140kg by now easy


I know. i really dont know why dale.


Db Bench

16 x 12

20 x 15 PR

22 x 8 PR

Pec Dec

35 x 12

50 x 9

60 x 3

Cable Curl

10 x 18

20 x 7

Seated DB Curls

10 x 15

12 x 12

12 x 5


29/5/12 - Horrible day, wake up, weigh in at 180lbs, 4.8lbs lighter than i was yesterday morning, missed a few calories out here and there cos i'm out of money now but 4.8lbs lost??? what is this


60 x 12 x 2

90 x 10 restpause +2

100 x 1 Go to hell

Low Row

80 x 12

90 x 12

V Bar Pulldown

40 x 12

50 x 8

60 x 4

DB Rows

22 x 12

26 x 12


the 4.8lbs was probs water retention amongst other things. bowel contents etc, you can't have actually lost 4.8lbs of muscle or fat in a day lol. i wouldn't worry about it, weigh yourself less frequently and you'll worry less tbh


the 4.8lbs was probs water retention amongst other things. bowel contents etc, you can't have actually lost 4.8lbs of muscle or fat in a day lol. i wouldn't worry about it, weigh yourself less frequently and you'll worry less tbh

^ & this is y u shouldnt mega bulk.. cause you cant afford it. keep it steady and keep it consistant son




20 x 12

30 x 12

40 x 11

50 x 2 one cheat rep to get a feel for it then one legit form rep, PR

Cable Upright Row

10 x 12

15 x 12

25 x 4

Rear Delt Cable Row

10 x 12

15 x 12

Cable One Arm Tricep Extension

7.5 x 30

10 x 20

Tricep Pushdown Machine

30 x 12

40 x 12

Blurgh my workouts just seem to be getting worse and worse, making good gains on military and enjoying it but then comes to all isolation exercises and i just cbf with them.


4/6/12 - As of today following Dorian Yate's Blood & Guts routine

Decline DB Bench - this exercise is awkward as hell to get the dumbells into position, any1 got any tips?

12 x 12

16 x 15

20 x 12

Incline DB Bench

18 x 9

20 x 7

DB Flyes

12 x 12

14 x 12

Concentration Curls

10 x 10

12 x 8

Preacher Curl

20 x 12

25 x 8



Straight Arm Pushdown

10 x 12

15 x 12

25 x 12

V Bar Pulldown

40 x 12

60 x 7

Cable VBar Row

50 x 12 Max weight the cables go to

60 x 12



Straight Arm Pushdown

10 x 12

15 x 12

25 x 12

V Bar Pulldown

40 x 12

60 x 7

Cable VBar Row

50 x 12 Max weight the cables go to

60 x 12

the fuck lol


lol both barbells were in use so couldnt deadlift

6/6/12 Woke up at 7am today to get to gym before work, worked out well, gym was pretty much empty, cept from all oldies

DB Military Press

14 x 12

16 x 12

18 x 6

DB Lat Raise

10 x 12

12 x 12

Cable One Armed Lat Raise

3.75 x 12

Reverse Flyes

10 x 12 Farted quite loud at beginning of this set, proper no control in this position lol

10 x 12

Rope Pushdown

20 x 12

25 x 12


20 x 12

25 x 12

Seated DB Tricep Press

16 x 12

18 x 8


11/6/12 Lol 2 chavs got into gym at same time as me today, they got in, walked straight to the back of the 'weights room', stood around and watched for a bit, walked upstairs did bout 5mins of walking on treadmill, came back down n did 10 thousand sets of 30kg bench

Decline DB Bench

12 x 12

16 x 12

22 x 8 So awkward getting dumbells into position, especially when going heavier, had to call over a spotter


18 x 12

20 x 8


12 x 12

14 x 12

Concentration Curls

10 x 12

14 x 5

Preacher Curls

20 x 12

30 x 3 Crappy swingy reps

25 x 8



Straight Arm Pushdown - Amg, first time i have ever felt my lats working properly and it was just awesome, usually do these bent over, did em stood up today just trying to connect with my lats, worked, well appy.

15 x 12

20 x 12

25 x 12

30 x 3

Low Row

70 x 12

80 x 12

V Bar Pulldown

50 x 9

55 x 5

DB Rows

24 x 12

26 x 12


60 x 12

90 x 10



DB Press

10 x 12

14 x 12

18 x 8

22 x 4

Lat Raise

10 x 12

12 x 12

One Arm lat raise

7 x 12

Reverse Flyes

10 x 12

6 x 12 Did this on incline bench laid on stomach, didnt likey

DB Shrugs

26 x 12

30 x 12

Rope Pushdown

20 x 12

25 x 6

20 x 8

25 x 8


20 x 12

25 x 8

Seated DB Tricep Press

16 x 9



Flat DB Bench

16 x 12

18 x 12

22 x 9


18 x 12

18 x 12


12 x 12 x 2

Concentration Curls

12 x 10

16 x 6+4 negatives

Preacher Curls

20 x 12

25 x 5

-Reverse Grip

20 x 10 x 2

25 x 5

40mins moderate pace breast stroke



Straight Arm Pushdown

25 x 12

30 x 6

30 x 10

25 x 7

V Bar Pulldown

40 x 12

50 x 9

DB Rows

20 x 12

22 x 12

Cable Seated Row

40 x 12

50 x 12


60 x 12

90 x 4 Hate myself. Dunno whether its the calorie deficit or just a weak day.


DB Press

16 x 8

14 x 6

14 x 8

DB Lat Raise

10 x 12 x 2

Side Cable Lat Raise

2.5 x 12

3.75 x 12

Reverse Flyes

10 x 12

12 x 12

Flat Bar Pushdown

15 x 12

20 x 12

25 x 8 Dropset-

15 x 12


20 x 12

25 x 10

Seated DB Tricep Extension

16 x 12

18 x 8



Sumo Deadlift from Deficit

50 12

70 x 12

40 x 12

45 x 8

Smitg Machine Squat

40 x 12


45 x 12

55 x 12


45 x 12

55 x 12


Been feeling absolute crap all day, took so much out of me this morning's workout, also think i pulled something in my inner hamstrings, been a while since iv trained legs gonna have to start doing warmups again! Have not missed the glute-ache ;p


Been feeling absolute crap all day, took so much out of me this morning's workout, also think i pulled something in my inner hamstrings, been a while since iv trained legs gonna have to start doing warmups again! Have not missed the glute-ache ;p

ur supposed to warm up no matter how conditioned ur muscles r..


Yea my warmups are usually a lighter set on whatever given exercise, wasn't too sure as to what 'light' was with sumo deads, will start doing cardio or something.

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