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Forum Challenge 05/09/2011


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Okay so you can get a standard pack of cards with 2 jokers in.

Shuffle them up and put them on the floor face down (make sure you have enough room to do star jumps etc in).

Okay now each suit is as follows:

Hearts - diamond press ups - demonstration (


diamonds - V sit ups - demonstration (

1:05 onwards)

clubs - Squat thrusts/burpees - demonstration (


Spades - lunges (one on each leg counts as a rep) - demonstration (


And the number on the card is the amount of each thing you do, if its a picture card it counts as 10, if its an ace it counts as 11, and if you get a joker you have to do 10 of each in any order.

You must only stop to change the card, there is no breaks in this challenge!

So for example, my starter card is a 10 of diamonds, i would do 10 V sit ups! then change the card over, if that was an ace of spades, i would then do 20 lunges (10 on each leg).

This is a hard one! if you aren't up to the challenge you can always halve the number of reps you have to do etc.

Good luck!


Lol where do you get this shit its epic.

But yeah I'm usually way to sore after my workouts :[


Lol where do you get this shit its epic.

But yeah I'm usually way to sore after my workouts :[

Haha yeah i agree, i put it on sunday night so hopefully people had rest and are kinda fresh to try it!

and thanks for saying you like it :) but its secret where i get this stuff from ;)


Might give this a shot tomorrow if i'm not too tired


Might give this a shot tomorrow if i'm not too tired

Do it!  :p


No deck of cards. But whoever does should try this out.


you supposed to do the whole deck lol?


That is so awesome, Gonna do it. It actually seems fun too.


For how long? Till you're through the whole deck or is there a time cap.


Going to get a deck of cards asap . Sounds fun ! :P


Yeah the aim is to get through the whole deck of cards!

Then when you literally can't do anymore, add the numbers on each card to get a total number per suit and this obviously tells you how many reps of each exercise you've done.

get through the whole back and your doing like 80+ of each, i cba to add 1+2+3....

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