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First time doing GFX in forever


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EDIT: Decided that space where you could kinda see the original thing by the hand looked awkward, so added this:


cc pls? which one is better?




second one is pretty fucking cool dude nice


i prefer first one


second ones better, needs more contrast down the bottom though.


I liked the third one best ;)


I liked the third one best ;)



I like original best lol :P


I liked the third one best ;)


I'm sorry you know i love you really !


I liked the third one best ;)


it took me a few seconds to remember that the third one is the original, l0l.

Gareth l Rare

Awwww my babys growing up

Right, 1st thing, never use "ORIGINAL" stock images in the sense that your going to revamp the whole thing without taking into consideration that the original image is still there.

For example, you have added a few c4ds and what looks like nebular stocks to the image with a bit of colour

1ST THING, decide what your trying to do, if it can incorporate the original image then leave it, if not them remove everything but the main focus of the image (the bit your going to use).

Your going for a space theme but as you didnt remove the snow you have a HUGE clash and it makes it look poor

sorry baby, but next time use the smudge or blurr tool to remove all unwanted elements from the image or even use pen toll to render it out and then do w.e

Now its a nice stock and has alot of potential but look at the direction of the image (this is something many of my early work failed on) the image is going right to left but the effects are going down which is a big clash as it makes the image look chaotic

try this, render the girl out and duplicate the image 3 times, use "wave" effect on one of the images in the back, change the colour to red, other to orange and another to yellow and then blur them a bit and "worp" them a tad

you will have a girl with her hand out with the effect of her being a super sayen haha then you can add a nebular and w.e effect you want and will look like she´s god


a like the second one, sorta like you have the world in your hands, or creation :) both are good tho.


Second one if legit :) Make some more work, I would love to take a look.

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