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FOE vs. HAVOC P2P PREP September 6, 2011 ~II Kaz II~


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Good job guys, we lost just one round but pulled over the other 2 to make this a win for us. Hope to continue seeing this type of dedication.  
Good fight HAVOC, you guys did well but not good enough to beat us. :D

Subscribe/comment/thumbs up the vid...i'll be making more vid's like this with more efforts on editing for trips, preps, and possibly some FOE inners. :D

Link to my channel-

Great job recording and uploading.


Great job vidding  :nice:


MAH TANKING 2:08 ftw.

gj recording, get those ovls :P


MAH TANKING 2:08 ftw.

gj recording, get those ovls :P

Working on it bro, currently questing for turmoil...already got 95pray. Also this weekend working on range+hp (should be able to get 99). After that i'll be working for overloads. :)


Thanks everyone, I try.


spelled havoc wrong nub

nice wideo though


spelled havoc wrong nub

nice wideo though

Thank you.


MAH TANKING 2:08 ftw.

gj recording, get those ovls :P

Working on it bro, currently questing for turmoil...already got 95pray. Also this weekend working on range+hp (should be able to get 99). After that i'll be working for overloads. :)

good stuff mate! :) got a lot on your plate  :victory:


MAH TANKING 2:08 ftw.

gj recording, get those ovls :P

Working on it bro, currently questing for turmoil...already got 95pray. Also this weekend working on range+hp (should be able to get 99). After that i'll be working for overloads. :)

good stuff mate! :) got a lot on your plate  :victory:

Yeah, 3 quests left to do 2morrow for curses. Then obviously im heading out to wild to try them out ha :). This weekend is chinning range+hp up, then going to rebuild cash stack for overloads. I'm just planning ahead bro...all takes time. :)


Nice job, Foe did well, nice tanking ;D

Thank you.


Goodjob guys, to bad i couldnt join in.

But i understand it, and i supported ya'll.


proud member stepping up good shit man


proud member stepping up good shit man

That's the way to do it and become a bigger part of the clan, I want to become a senior member and keep climbing from that...I know it takes time but I'll get there eventually. :D

  • 2 weeks later...

liked! once again

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