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hello my name is L_Nerd_L, i am maxed 60 att pure and i think of 75 or 99 attack, I can almost afford ags, what should I do? im bored of being 60 att.. should i go for 75 and buy ags? or train 99. thanks:D.


75, anything above 80 and you will definitely regret it


Really it's up to you but if you say your bored of 60 id say get 75 and save up for that AGS but don't be hasty and go straight for 99 try out the different att levels like 75 or 80 first.


I'm maxed 75 attack and love it tbh lol, much better than 60 imo.


Stay 60 Attack, 75 Attack is Good but not worth the cmb level.


Stay 60, tons of high level pures regret getting high attack.


I'd just stay 60.. if you're bored of pking, maybe skill some.


Get 75, you max with 88 cmb, and honestly, if your good you'll rape any body out there. Cept me on my 88 rune pure, i'll be your challenge :P.


haha thanks:D im getting 75 when I can afford ags:D

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