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Skill Over Stats. =Pkbloodearn PvP Vid 1=


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Hey, I purposely got 20 def to prove something, (Nature's Spirit), I was hoping to prove to some people that just because your stats are fail does not mean you can not own the people who over power you. I used range/dds in this video. If you think i safed in this video, look at my Hitpoints level. In the first couple of parts in this video i used armour. After i have found it is more fun no armour as well as more fair. 20 def Ftw. Sub if u like. Tyvm Foe, Be looking for my app in a lil.



I stopped watching after the 1 iteming with dag in the beginning  :unsure2:


Some of the best Pures in RuneScape have 20 Defense.

All the old schoolers: Hiei The Pk, I Rulz I, Pure Berniej, I Contr0lz I. Look up their videos please.

Stop acting as if you know what you are talking about.



Skill Over Stats?

This Vid proved to be more Luck over Skill than anything.

Of course you're not going to die if you eat at 45 HP or more.


dude r[]fl you suck ass you don't let your hp bar drop under 3/4

worst pk video on youtube atm


Horrible... and 70 combat with that HP exuse? Nice try..


Woahh, Uh maybe skip to half way mark, the first clips was when i first found out bout pvp, didnt know much bout risks or safing. I used to pk in old wildy, but been so long. Soz bout that or offending anyone, Please skip to the middle of the video and tell me how you like


Sub if u like.

Thanks i'll pass

Epic lulz @ the lame vid  :D


Wow guys.. please try to be more constructive instead of stomping him into the ground :S.


uhhh what can i say ^ i agree with criti u blow bro dnt call othat ppl safers wen ur 10x's worst plz dnt eva do this again and post here..


im starting a new vid. much better than this. no safing. risking 100k +. Foe is my favorite community and i dont want to let you guys down. I promise


Good attitude, even though lots of people put you down.

Respect mate =).

Ehm there's nothing much wrong with your video, just upgrade your outfits a lil bit to be honest.

I've seen msb bow -> dds, nothing wrong with that but not really good for a pk video.

Also try to lower down on the eating part, I've fought some good pkers who all kept their hp high but almost none of them could kill me. Why? Because why should I risk my health when they keep their hp high ;).

You are a pure so your bound to keep your hp a lil bit lower to higher the chances of getting k0's.

Seems like a nice constructive post to me. Goodluck on your 2nd video.

Edit: Love you K1ss :D :wub:

You always tell me that even though my vids are so long back ^^.


lol @ you idiots calling him safer. yea sure dude, let them 20 20 spec you!@£§€{€§£@£@§€3534

Because of that safe shit I sometimes let my hp go down to 1 or something and get raped cuz Im not a newfag with 10combo-food on my iventory and he only "safed" in the first few minutes.

Good Job dude, keep the gud work.


Should Get Rune Gloves =]


i safe quite often my self. not to negate anybody's opinion on this at all, but when somebody says "safer" i translate it as "why didn't you let me kill you" because thats all it is, let me kill you noob. i dont safe to full, thats unfair, but i surely dont let them kill me on purpose


i enjoyed it, just not the start. but overall nice low lvl vid ;) keep it up


Keep it up man but you should try not to safe too much. Also what berniej said, try to use different weps so the vid will be much more enjoyable. Anyways, goodluck with ur 2nd vid. :nice:


You guys are all douchebags tbh, i agree with Berniej, if you don't like the video, get over it, no reason to make him feel like a dickhead, give him construction criticism instead of saying shit like

"dude r[]fl you suck ass"


"rofl @ the lame vid"

I think the "skill over stats" thing is a bit silly tbh, as pking really is all down to lucky specs, on p2p anyway.My advice - if you're gonna get 20 defence, don't pk untill you've got a mith defender and rune gloves, so that your 20 defence is actually worth something (y) GL in your next video.

watch me tb

ill be honest i didnt like the vid. but if your just really learning to pk and its your first vid, it was alright. you seem like a pretty nice guy too, i woulda been bitchin if people flamed me as much as you got flamed.

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