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Long Road To First Maxed Berserker Pure™


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49 Defence, practically a Granite Pure.

And; Chilly was maxed, but got Defence now.

You clearly are unaware that old school zerks who completed

The "Turmoil" + "Handcannon" quests will be 47-50Defence.

The turmoil zerks nowadays who own "Turmoil" are barely a year old.

Secondly, Chilly never maxed out.

If you bothered to look her up, you would see she still hasn't maxed out Dungeon.

this ^

stupid newfags.


Awesome account! Goodluck, and I also remember you from DV


got a pure?

Yes a maxed 60 attack pure,

Will eventually apply to FOE once I max my Zerker



49 Defence, practically a Granite Pure.

And; Chilly was maxed, but got Defence now.

You clearly are unaware that old school zerks who completed

The "Turmoil" + "Handcannon" quests will be 47-50Defence.

The turmoil zerks nowadays who own "Turmoil" are barely a year old.

Secondly, Chilly never maxed out.

If you bothered to look her up, you would see she still hasn't maxed out Dungeon.

this ^

stupid newfags.


I remember you back when I was a Pure, I was in DV



Castle Wars was a maxed 40 def rune pure before he/she got hacked.


You can skill but um... Can you pure pk? Nice stats


49 Defence, practically a Granite Pure.

And; Chilly was maxed, but got Defence now.

You clearly are unaware that old school zerks who completed

The "Turmoil" + "Handcannon" quests will be 47-50Defence.

The turmoil zerks nowadays who own "Turmoil" are barely a year old.

Secondly, Chilly never maxed out.

If you bothered to look her up, you would see she still hasn't maxed out Dungeon.

I respect what you have done, and I can see why you want to call yourself a zerker, however you aren't really at all.

Turmoil = 12k Def Xp

Hand Cannon = 5k Def Xp

45 Defence = ~61k Def Xp

+ 17k Def Xp

= Level 47 @ 83,014 Xp

[ DEFENCE ]: [Croatia Love] Unranked | Level: 49 | Exp: 92,258

Your nearly 20k def xp over what you should be without any fuck ups IF you really did get 45 def unquested pre turm/hand cannon.

Going back to my previous point, I respect what you have done and appreciate difficulties of low combat/defence but you are at best a low defence main. Chilly didn't call herself a zerk @ 54 def when she was 200m slayer xp which I'm guessing you would.

Sorry m8, keep up the good work and max out as the world's first level 49 defence main.

( tl;dr the main reason your not a zerk anymore is because your 20k def xp over what you should be ( 47 ) and to get that much xp accidentally makes you unworthy )


Why do people want to be "first" this and that? Unless you can clearly see it on the hiscores (eg rank 1 runecraft or whatever), then it's pretty much worthless. You are basically insecure and want to convince yourself that you are epic at RuneScape.

First berserker pure. Yay. Only difference between you and 2496 is 54 odd defence levels, or in this case less.

An achievement sort of goes to shit if you mess up. Take 1 def pures. If you get even 1 exp, people will say "herpaderpaderp ur shit u got 1 def exp lodeldel." In your case, it's 20k. And Chris proved that you fucked up.

If you want to get a title of "A maxed berserker pure," then go start a new account. Otherwise have fun playing on half a main.


Why do people want to be "first" this and that? Unless you can clearly see it on the hiscores (eg rank 1 runecraft or whatever), then it's pretty much worthless. You are basically insecure and want to convince yourself that you are epic at RuneScape.

First berserker pure. Yay. Only difference between you and 2496 is 54 odd defence levels, or in this case less.

An achievement sort of goes to shit if you mess up. Take 1 def pures. If you get even 1 exp, people will say "herpaderpaderp ur shit u got 1 def exp lodeldel." In your case, it's 20k. And Chris proved that you fucked up.

If you want to get a title of "A maxed berserker pure," then go start a new account. Otherwise have fun playing on half a main.

I’m not trying to convince myself I’m epic at Runescape.

As far as I know there hasn’t been a fully maxed Berserker Pure yet.

And I figured I’d share my achievements on this forum.


Why would I be insecure, it’s a game.

If anyone who’s self-doubting it would be you, as you seem to be flustered by the title of the thread.

And to the extra 20k Defence experience: Most was quested as I’m planning on going 50 Defence.

47 or 50 Defence it’s still the same Combat level.

Thanks again for your feedback.


49 Defence, practically a Granite Pure.

And; Chilly was maxed, but got Defence now.

You clearly are unaware that old school zerks who completed

The "Turmoil" + "Handcannon" quests will be 47-50Defence.

The turmoil zerks nowadays who own "Turmoil" are barely a year old.

Secondly, Chilly never maxed out.

If you bothered to look her up, you would see she still hasn't maxed out Dungeon.

I respect what you have done, and I can see why you want to call yourself a zerker, however you aren't really at all.

Turmoil = 12k Def Xp

Hand Cannon = 5k Def Xp

45 Defence = ~61k Def Xp

+ 17k Def Xp

= Level 47 @ 83,014 Xp

[ DEFENCE ]: [Croatia Love] Unranked | Level: 49 | Exp: 92,258

Your nearly 20k def xp over what you should be without any fuck ups IF you really did get 45 def unquested pre turm/hand cannon.

Going back to my previous point, I respect what you have done and appreciate difficulties of low combat/defence but you are at best a low defence main. Chilly didn't call herself a zerk @ 54 def when she was 200m slayer xp which I'm guessing you would.

Sorry m8, keep up the good work and max out as the world's first level 49 defence main.

( tl;dr the main reason your not a zerk anymore is because your 20k def xp over what you should be ( 47 ) and to get that much xp accidentally makes you unworthy )

Thanks for confirming facts that I already know.

Goes to show how people go out of their way to prove someone wrong.

Most of my Defence was quested; I’m planning on going 50 Defence.

47 Defence [Like you calculated]

Is the same Combat as 50 Defence.

And Chilly was considered a Berserker in the Rune Pure community regardless of her 114 Combat.

Thanks again for feedback.


granite PURE@!, lol j0k3 very nice account...n gl with 120 dung :)


49 Defence, practically a Granite Pure.

And; Chilly was maxed, but got Defence now.

You clearly are unaware that old school zerks who completed

The "Turmoil" + "Handcannon" quests will be 47-50Defence.

The turmoil zerks nowadays who own "Turmoil" are barely a year old.

Secondly, Chilly never maxed out.

If you bothered to look her up, you would see she still hasn't maxed out Dungeon.

I respect what you have done, and I can see why you want to call yourself a zerker, however you aren't really at all.

Turmoil = 12k Def Xp

Hand Cannon = 5k Def Xp

45 Defence = ~61k Def Xp

+ 17k Def Xp

= Level 47 @ 83,014 Xp

[ DEFENCE ]: [Croatia Love] Unranked | Level: 49 | Exp: 92,258

Your nearly 20k def xp over what you should be without any fuck ups IF you really did get 45 def unquested pre turm/hand cannon.

Going back to my previous point, I respect what you have done and appreciate difficulties of low combat/defence but you are at best a low defence main. Chilly didn't call herself a zerk @ 54 def when she was 200m slayer xp which I'm guessing you would.

Sorry m8, keep up the good work and max out as the world's first level 49 defence main.

( tl;dr the main reason your not a zerk anymore is because your 20k def xp over what you should be ( 47 ) and to get that much xp accidentally makes you unworthy )

Thanks for confirming facts that I already know.

Goes to show how people go out of their way to prove someone wrong.

Most of my Defence was quested; I’m planning on going 50 Defence.

47 Defence [Like you calculated]

Is the same Combat as 50 Defence.

And Chilly was considered a Berserker in the Rune Pure community regardless of her 114 Combat.

Thanks again for feedback.

so you actually trained def on purpose? l0l?

I know a kind of account that does that, a main.

49/99 def gl

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