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New combos ?

7 Stack

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Hello ,

My name is 7 Stack. This is my first thread on here and I plan on applying in about a month or so.

My stats are:

99 strength

60 attack

1 defense

87 ranged(on my way to 99)

85 mage(on my way to 94)

44 prayer( probably going to get 52)

I just wanted to know if any of you guys know some other good combos besides:

1) Mage bow --> Gmaul

2) Mage bow --> DDS

3) Dragon darts/Rune knives --> Rune Xbow --> Gmaul

4) Dragon darts/Rune knives --> Rune Xbow --> DDS

5) Obby maul(w/ berserker neck) --> Gmaul

6) Dscim --> DDS

7) Dscim --> Gmaul


1)Dbow --> Gmaul

2)Melee w/ ancient staff --> Dds

3)Dragon 2Hand --> Gmaul

4)Morrigan axe spec --> Gmaul spec

5)Magic shortbow spec --> obby maul ( with neck )

6)Blitz --> obby maul

7)Dds --> Dlong --> Gmaul

8)Dscim --> Chaotic maul

9)Chaotic maul --> Dbow --> Gmaul spec

10)Dscim --> Rune Short Sword --> Dbow --> Gmaul

11)claws --> Dbow(dont spec) --> Gmaul specs

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what are your stats? att level etc


Sorry, accidently posted too early. there are my stats.


what you can try is dbow-gmaul

dont spec with the dbow but double spec with the maul, you have to time it right but when you do it you can get a 3-4 stack done well


alright , ill try that !

thanks man . (:


Use teh Granite mace for teh lulz


The granite mace is like a mini g maul


The granite mace is like a mini g maul

pretty much


okaaay, how do i get it ? just a regular item? no quests ?


You've literally posted most good combos, that's how shit this game actually is :L


okaaay, how do i get it ? just a regular item? no quests ?

No quests or anything, has a pretty low strength bonus but it's just a fun fast weapon


You've literally posted most good combos, that's how shit this game actually is :L

haha yeah if i had 70/80 attack i think there would be more choices.. :o


okaaay, how do i get it ? just a regular item? no quests ?

No quests or anything, has a pretty low strength bonus but it's just a fun fast weapon

Okay i'll try it , thanks (:


my personal favourite is the wombO-c0mbo  Dds>dlong>gmaul.. fucking rapes.. lewllewlewl


cant think of any good ones


this always worked but gets a bit boring.

if 1v1in in edge go for d scim/ dds which is old

dscim/chaotic maul?

chaotic maul/dbow/gmaul spec?


The higher cmb the less combo's ull use. Straight Ags specs or combo;c maul,c maul,c maul,c maul.


rune warhammer to rune warhammer


Wind strike, bronze battleaxe, AGS, claws. Ty


cant think of any good ones

that postcount!


claws>maul is good. Maybe try a lonsword spec too?


Okay ill have to try out all these in my POH combat ring.

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