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13 or 44 Prayer?

blood raain

What is the optimum prayer level for a level 70ish pure  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the optimum prayer level for a level 70ish pure

    • 1 prayer
    • 11 prayer
    • 13 prayer
    • 15 prayer (ava's)
    • 44 prayer

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blood raain

hi everyone in foe!

I'm at a key decision on my pure which is what prayer level i should get.

I was thinking of initially getting 13 prayer (with 11 already from dt) for dds specing etc with the 10% str boost

This is also a very good choice because i will be a lower cb level and the protect item prayer is no longer allowed anyway

On the other hand everyone seems to go for 44 range for the 3rd range prayer, protection prayers etc.  The only bad thing about this is that it makes you 2-3 cb levels higher and it is questionable as to whether the extra levels actually makes you a better pker.

Going Pking3

I'm saying stay one prayer, and see how pking is w/o ancients.. Plus in upper wild you could just entangle, and TB.

But I would say 44, but no protect.. Eagles eye is really good, but consider it this way. If you would stay at that low prayer, you would be hitting just as high if you would be that combat with 44 prayer. So it's the same thing, but here's were low prayer makes it better... If you keep low prayer, you'll have higher hp at that combat..

So either keep 1 prayer, but if you want ancients, get 15, unless you never use range.. Then get 13 after ancients. But if your intended to be all melee based, get 31/34 prayer...

That's my suggestions...

blood raain

I'm saying stay one prayer, and see how pking is w/o ancients.. Plus in upper wild you could just entangle, and TB.

But I would say 44, but no protect.. Eagles eye is really good, but consider it this way. If you would stay at that low prayer, you would be hitting just as high if you would be that combat with 44 prayer. So it's the same thing, but here's were low prayer makes it better... If you keep low prayer, you'll have higher hp at that combat..

So either keep 1 prayer, but if you want ancients, get 15, unless you never use range.. Then get 13 after ancients. But if your intended to be all melee based, get 31/34 prayer...

That's my suggestions...

tyvm good suggestions, yea ancients has kind of died in pking and is not really needed


44 Fuckin ownz son  :nice:

blood raain

im just scaared of getting 44 pray and then not being able to hit cus everyone my lvl is a def nub


Depends on how you pk, I'd say go for ancients if you have high range.


13 or 15 because it looks sexy and is fun to pk with IMO though so other then that it's totally up to you being just a range pure 44 is suggested to get your maximum hit. :)

blood raain

well so far, the majority of the votes indicate 44 prayer as preference over a lower level, however I am still uneasy to relinquish my much lower cb lvl so quickly


I suggest 44 prayer. No one has listed the importance of the protection prayers. They come in very handy with rushers after you get a kill. Furthermore, very helpful in large scale pking. It depends if you can use the Eagle Eye prayer, and by that, I mean: do you range? Forgive me if I missed it, but if you plan on being only melee, I would choose between 31 and 43/44. If you are going to range and/or mage, you may want to look into 45, but definitely 44.


15. My pure is going to be 15. My last pure had 44 pray. If you plan to pk with clans and pk at level 80+ then get 44 prayer. 50-70 pkers should have less than 31

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