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Yes Im Mike Vs known turmoil pures


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Thanks you I pk mods I for the Idea, & Thankyou Failed again and R 4 p 1 d z for taking part in the video i put both your channels in the description


I actually really enjoyed watching this video. Nice style, not over edited. good music. I even bothered clicking the like button for once.

You're good, respect. also I will sub to you. Thanks for entertainment :)


It's a good vid, but

"Props to all you 30 defence pkers out there. Its the hardest type of account to pk on which people dont seem to understand"...give over mate. all you have to do is put turmoil on, do a few item switches every so often and hit through anything.


Oh its you :)  Friend introduced me to your videos a while back, they're awesome :)


It's a good vid, but

"Props to all you 30 defence pkers out there. Its the hardest type of account to pk on which people dont seem to understand"...give over mate. all you have to do is put turmoil on, do a few item switches every so often and hit through anything.

I main style hybrid at 109 combat i dont edge. It is the hardest type of pking at my combat Talking hybriding im sure the 30 defers in foe can agree , If only it was that simple doing a few item switches and hitting through anything though.


Fair enough, although you didn't mention "at your combat (109)" originally. And I'm still not convinced it's terribly hard :P


Good video man.

Addy daddy pride ;p


fcuking legit vid! subb'd, liked, the whole shebang. really well done man, gl with part 2. one of those vids that makes me look forward to going turm pure :p


yeah those were all known except that A DDS kid


subbed to mike and enjoyed this video alot.


was alright i guess, too many people copy max with vids like this


So, why do you say to mori "You're making this vid hard for me" after he says "we need to get a clip of you wrecking me"

i don't know why you'd set it up so you win every fight, just trying to look better than you are.

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