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Itz Tragic-BH Video 1

Itz Tragic

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^Roughly the stats during the video.


^filefront link

^Youtube link(for some reason the audio doesn't work on HD for me...)

This is my first video I have ever made, both capturing and editing. For the past 3 days I've spent the majority of my time in Sony Vegas 8, teaching myself how to use Vegas and get the desired effects I wanted. Due to me being on a sub par laptop, I cannot run Camtasia without lagging, so I had to use Hypercam, which in my opinion is not a big deal. I also only recorded the battle window, not the inventory or text box, to reduce lag for me(although on my first clip it shows them, but that was recorded with Camtasia on a different computer). I choose the music by myself, with suggestions made in here and there by friends.

Lastly, this WILL NOT have the highest hits, best editing, or the highest loots(though I do get a pretty good one). Not the highest hits due to my combat level, and not the best editing due to this being my first video. It is still an enjoyable film IMO though.


Good video - I enjoyed it alot .... hopefully first post of many :)

R U S H E Rz

Oo i like it tragic, 4/5. Mabey next vid add in some hybriding at like drags ect? Would love that.


Nice first vid. Next time though, don't zoom in as much. Made the quality worse.

But i enjoyed it nonetheless :wub:



Definitely cut down on the Zooming. Great gameplay though.


Yeah, i personally like close up videos, focus on the fight, not whats going on around it.


Descent video, found some of the editing to be abit annoying

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