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Today ive started my first day of cutting. While on this diet, i will be cycling carbs. I am currently 162 pounds after bulking and will be cutting until i feel it unnecessary to go on.

For those who dont know:

"Cut" or "Cutting"

A hypo-caloric diet where the goal is to decrease overall body fat, while concomitantly maintaining or even gaining muscle mass. Often, a small amount of muscle loss is expected and acceptable.

The Concept: Cycling 101

There are three types of days while on this diet:

High Carb

Low Carb

No Carb Days

Generally, the three days are rotated, or cycled, equally. Again, I will stress that this can, and should, betweaked, based on the individual's goals, geno and pheno-types, and dieting history. Indeed, much of this will be discussed in future installments. Here, we will lay out the basic plan, which is designed for relatively rapid fat loss for most individuals and the one that got me into contest ready condition, twice.

I am fairly new to this but when i am finished i will post a before and after picture on this forum.


unless ur under 4ft 11 it is not appropriate that u r cutting


as reevesy said, cutting at like 11stone is not a good idea....

unless your 3ft tall and build like fuck


never cycled carbs whilst cutting b4 looks interesting and more bare-able then just staying on low.

and yh obv cutting at your weight is pointless unless ur general stats prove otherwise or you have some sport orientated weight cap. if not bulk up plz.


m8 the only thing u should be cutting is ur wrists

is that wat u did to achieve ur 110lb bodyweight


u weigh the same as me and ur cutting? :O


162 lbs cutting and then trying to give everyone on these boards the definition of cutting.  :facepalm:


m8 the only thing u should be cutting is ur wrists

ur not funny can u fuck off


As said above, unless you're like a 5'2-5'4 meatball it isn't worth your time to cut. 

I was 94kgs/ 206lbs, quite high bf% in March, got down to 75kgs/165 lbs~ in August and now I'm on bulk. I'm 5'11, currently about 174 lbs/79kgs and I'm aiming to bulk to about 195lbs or 90~kg before cutting back down. 

If you are a 5'2-5'4 meatball well then I'll laugh and say sorry.


Im 5'5 and 11st 4 Started training around 4 months ago hard not to sure on my bf thinking of just keeping it up till i put some more muscle on then cutting and repeating.


never cycled carbs whilst cutting b4 looks interesting and more bare-able then just staying on low.

mate cycling carbs is fucking horrible lol.

remember doing a keto diet, all you fucking eat is chicken, ham and cheese :(

cycling them is nasty as you always feel fatigued, no energy. But it works a treat


Changed my mind i will be bulking until 170-175 then cutting


Changed my mind i will be bulking until 170-175 then cutting

gud boy

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