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Go big or go home. Just like Charlie Sheen :)


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invest in a santa and wait for xmas as it will skyrocket

or get Halloween mask as its only next month... GL


try 200m pots then talk to swag ina bag doe?


Charlie Sheen aint winning anymore, he got kicked off the cast months ago.


congrats, but im sorry, thats nothing compared to what people do everyday..


he gave u an extra 20m, nice


he gave u an extra 20m, nice

Told him to add another 20m if i win so i can buy a santa. ( WINNING ! )


ahahah !! LUUUL! and shut the fuck up you fucking arse head l000000l


People still talk about Charlie Sheen? o.O


Hoooooooooly shit, I envy you for even having the balls to do that . :o


:55:18) <[Foe]Kyle> i applied to foe when i was 13

(23:55:20) <[foe]xB00m> cant be that bad people in my chat are saying it was decend

(23:55:20) <[Foe]Kyle> and mine was better

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