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Yes Im Mike 11th Pk Session , Maxed Turmoil 30 Defence Pure


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Just wanted  to say thanks for always supporting my videos, i dont even have an MM Forum account Yet i saw a topic from them to dislike my videos cause apparently ''Im an idiot for trying to get 30 defence known'' all you guys do is show me respect which is much appreciated.

Anyway this is my 11th addition to my pk session series Subboxes are broken atm so if you want a Like/comment always help



I saw before you posted, i enjoyed it. I like how you get 30 defencers known as good accounts not just a shit main. People really underestimate how good they are. Good job keep it up.


cool vid but  ur robe tops give better mage def than snakeskin body


cool vid but  ur robe tops give better mage def than snakeskin body

Ive been a turmoil pure since they could be made l ive known this it just looks wack as hell to hug 3 item switches + snakeskin top gives defence bonus reguardless to 30 defence not being able to tank well id prefer switching into it rather then sitting in mystic


nice never knew 30 def turm could spec so hard :O


cool vid but  ur robe tops give better mage def than snakeskin body

Ive been a turmoil pure since they could be made l ive known this it just looks wack as hell to hug 3 item switches + snakeskin top gives defence bonus reguardless to 30 defence not being able to tank well id prefer switching into it rather then sitting in mystic

Not using snakeskin doesnt mean you have to hug 3 item switches



cool vid but  ur robe tops give better mage def than snakeskin body

Ive been a turmoil pure since they could be made l ive known this it just looks wack as hell to hug 3 item switches + snakeskin top gives defence bonus reguardless to 30 defence not being able to tank well id prefer switching into it rather then sitting in mystic

Not using snakeskin doesnt mean you have to hug 3 item switches


if you've ever main style pked it becomes a replica pretty much of a black d hide body, but from your pic i see your 60 attack 90 combat is 10x easier to mess around with  then 109 i need more defence bonus then i do magic defence i bring boot/hat amulet switches anyway so it evens out the bonus if i was to sit in a mystic top


cool vid but  ur robe tops give better mage def than snakeskin body

Ive been a turmoil pure since they could be made l ive known this it just looks wack as hell to hug 3 item switches + snakeskin top gives defence bonus reguardless to 30 defence not being able to tank well id prefer switching into it rather then sitting in mystic

Not using snakeskin doesnt mean you have to hug 3 item switches


if you've ever main style pked it becomes a replica pretty much of a black d hide body, but from your pic i see your 60 attack 90 combat is 10x easier to mess around with  then 109 i need more defence bonus then i do magic defence i bring boot/hat amulet switches anyway so it evens out the bonus if i was to sit in a mystic top

main pking is sooooooooooo much more fun, cape switch is always nice if you can fire cape, i dont think i see you do cape switch, might be mistaken though


nice vid man, enjoyed it all except music; had to mute it :l


very nice, i have almot exact build with less def/prayer/hp and more sum :P:P


I'm a noob who's getting there in the end xD If u wana pk /query Chris|HMJ

Tom (Rendition)

cool vid but  ur robe tops give better mage def than snakeskin body

Ive been a turmoil pure since they could be made l ive known this it just looks wack as hell to hug 3 item switches + snakeskin top gives defence bonus reguardless to 30 defence not being able to tank well id prefer switching into it rather then sitting in mystic

Get what you are saying man, but surely you could do like a boot switch or ring switch which would make a bit more sense.


nice vid as always :D


Hey buddy... Why don't you come on vent anymore :(

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