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1.5lb of lasagne would be like a million calories lol dat is not sloww

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you only have 15lb dumbells?.. join a gym.

4-5 back exercises plz and don't just chuck in biceps halfway through the backworkout, leave them till last, if ur worried bout them being too fatigued from back then do them with chest and switch to back/triceps.


you only have 15lb dumbells?.. join a gym.

4-5 back exercises plz and don't just chuck in biceps halfway through the backworkout, leave them till last, if ur worried bout them being too fatigued from back then do them with chest and switch to back/triceps.

I am part of a gym. I go to my school gym, an actual huge gym with meatheads, my basement, and a hotel gym lol. But when I have the weights in my basement, it's easier to do that since all my friends workout with me. I'm still looking for more back exercises, I know I'm short on some. Thanks for the advice.

1.5lb of lasagne would be like a million calories lol dat is not sloww

maybe I was just hungry at the time.


wdf are burnout curls?


wdf are burnout curls?

it was a joke really. i don't have any other DB's except for 15's so I just curled them for more reps lol.


Hotel gym ...

DB Shoulder Press

40 x 10

40 x 10

40 x 10

50 x FAIL. Could not get right arm up tried twice. No spotter :(

Arnold Press (First time doing them, these burn a lot more than a reg. shoulder press)

40 x 10

40 x 10

40 x 10

DB Front Raise Both Arms (Only had 10 lb or 25 lb ... couldn't do 25 lb)

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 8

DB Side Raise Both Arms

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 8

10 x 7

DB Shrugs

50 x 10

50 x 10

50 x 10

60 x 10

Shoulders feel great, yeah I did 3 x 10, so what. Didn't have heavier weights, so had to go higher reps.

I feel like being a curl bro, I dread squats/legs. That's why I neglected them the entire summer. What do? I won't look disproportionate seeing as I have fairly decent legs.


Skipped legs for the week.

First time doing BB in a while ..

Chest & Triceps

BB Bench Press

135 x 10

145 x 8

155 x 5

165 x 3

DB Incline Press

40 x 10

50 x 10

50 x 7

DB Bench Press

40 x 10

50 x 10

60 x 8

Was exhausted at this point so didn't try 70, no spot.

Overhead DB Tricep

40 x 10

50 x 8

50 x 7

Feel good sore. I think I should do more .... but BB Bench Press really tires me out for some reason.


yh throw in some flys/cablecross for chest.


yh throw in some flys/cablecross for chest.

No cable cross in my gym, but I'll try them out some time, just gotta watch some tutorials.


Lol felt lazy so decided to do squats today.

ATG Squat (Haven't done squats in weeks ...)


135 x 10

185 x 5

205 x 5

240 x 4 PR WOOT

Deadlifts (I was like what the hell, why not).

NO BELT. No straps.

135 x 10

185 x 5

205 x 5

255 x 5

275 x 4

285 x 2 (Bar kept slipping, legs wobbly and shaky) WTF MAN.

My legs were shaking the entire time deadlifting. NEVER MIXING Squats on deadlifts EVER AGAIN.

Makes me soo tired and exhausted.

Didn't wanna do any isolations after that ...


Messed around. Started experimenting on exercises I don't usually do.


Wide Grip Bench

135 x 10

135 x 10

145 x 10

150 x 10

Closed Grip

115 x 10

115 x 10

Decline Bench Press

135 x 10

135 x 10

145 x 6

150 x 5


65 x 10

75 x 10

75 x 7 really burn out my triceps.


Thanks m8. Me and my friend were wondering the proper way to do close grip, I was putting my hands way too close. Thx for the advice. I might start using bb.com, just been a lurker for now.


Following compound exercises with isolation exercises gets a real burn going imo. :nice:


Yeah I usually do that unless I'm dead exhausted.

Anyways ..

Shoulders (My favorite exercises, just started them maybe 3-4 weeks ago, can now flex the shoulders pretty damn well and I can see striations in the front part. Hehe)

Arnold Press (DB's in LBS ALWAYS)

40 x 10

40 x 8

40 x 4 Was trying soo harddd.

DB Shrugs

60 x 10

65 x 10

70 x 10

80 x 6 Hands all calloused up cause of the 80s. OUCH.

Shoulder Press (Pissed off that I couldn't get 50 lb DB's up last time, so REVENGE)

50 x 6 PR!!! Just had to prove a point to myself.

DB Side Raises (Did these super slow to feel the burn)

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

DB Front Raises (Super slow)

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 8

Feel greattttt. I love working shoulders out.

I'm gonna start adding these in ... Elapsed workout time: 38 minutes.


don't forget rear delts or do you do with your back?


I can't find any good exercises that are rear delt specific.

All I have to work with are DB's most of the time and we have no delt machine.


a few exercise i use to target rear delts are the following,



for the above, make sure your back is straight. in addition, you could use a weighted bar instead. A common mistake is that people go too heavy and incorporate their back muscles. So try and keep your elbows forward, refer to this video below to get a better understanding; 3mins into it.


could also use the fly machine, just bring the handles all the way back and face the seat.


Cheers! Looked over the videos and will definitely be trying them out next time I do my shoulders.


Cheers! Looked over the videos and will definitely be trying them out next time I do my shoulders.

do ur rear delts chest supported, its fucking hard and shit doing 'bent over' ones cos u just end up cheating badly


Chest & Triceps & Biceps

DB Bench Press

50 x 10

60 x 8

70 x 4 Dropped one of them on my chest and the other 70 pulled me to the floor. So embarrassing.

DB Incline Press

40 x 10

50 x 9

50 x 8

Chest Cable Fly (First time) (Adding up each side so 30lbs+30lbs=60)

60 x 10

70 x 8

80 x 6 These feel great. Need to work on perfecting form, but I thought I did aight.

DB Overhead Tricep

60 x 4

50 x 7

40 x 5 Kept slipping

25 x 20 burnnnnn

DB Hammer Curl Alternating

25 x 10

25 x 10

25 x 8

DB Bicep Curl Alternating

25 x 8

20 x 7

20 x 6

20 x 5 Right bicep is much weaker than left. Need to work on dat.

Pushups with the Perfect Push Up and bench Dips at the end.

Biceps are my weak point.


ow a 70 on ur chest??

i hate the perfect push up stands, cant stand em :/


The 70ber didn't hurt as much as my bruised ego from falling off the bench lol.

I just used the perfect push up ones cause I didn't want to touch the floor.

oi restart ur training log.


lol wtf I have no idea why I did chest and biceps again ..

Friends decided to be a curl bro when I came over to his house.

Negatives (Assisted) Bench Press

205 x 3

205 x 3

205 x 3

Reg Bench Press

165 x 5

135 x 10

DB Bench

35 x 10

45 x 10

55 x 10

Hammer Curl

35 x 5

35 x 5

15 x 10

Bicep Curl

15 x 10

15 x 10

15 x 10

EZ Bar Curl

75 x 7

75 x 5

75 x 3

Lol meh.

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