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Smush's Workout Log


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Steroids edited the post... Really sad


Steroids edited the post... Really sad


dont u quit on us smush

I'm not quitting. I'm going to put this log on hold for now, I'll still workout, but I'm just not going to post details on this site. I'll just wait till Steroids cools off his rage and I might start up again. Who knows ..

Locking until further notice.


i havnt touched ur log, what have i got to do with u not wanting to write down ur workouts idiot?

ur sensetive as fuck.


nvm. i'm not going to say anything else.


thts wut i thought.

  • 3 weeks later...

Re-opening it back because other than Reevesy, no one updates their log.


Height: 6'1

Weight: 170

BF (Estimation) 9%


Weight: 190 by February 1, 2011

BF GOAL: Bye bye "scrawny" abs.

Current Lifts/Goals:

Bench - 190/225

Deadlift - 355/450

Squat - 270/335

Military Press - 135/155

Push Press - 155/175

Let's doo thisssss.

11/15 Chest, Tris, Bis

DB Bench Press

60 x 10

65 x 8

70 x 6

DB Incline Press




Cable Fly

30 x 10

35 x 8

40 x 6

Hammer Curl

25 x 10

25 x 8

25 x 6

DB Bicep Curl

20 x 10

25 x 8

20 x 5

DB Overhead Tricep

60 x 6

25 x 10

25 x 12

Tricep Rope Pull Down

25 x 10

30 x 10

35 x 10

Tricep Bar Dips

3 x 5


"winter bulk" and ur goal is to only go up by 1% bodyfat? bulking on carrots or something?


You're aiming to go up 20 lbs and still be under 10% bodyfat?  It's near impossible naturally:



high fat diet will get u strong no joke but u will probably be over 13% i would imagine after 190lb but u will be quite strong deffinately get the bench goal.



hes been told this shit b4 and refuses to believe it / give up his scrawny abs for a season.


smush if you do not want to give up your abs well think of it this way. weathers gonna be a POS for at least 4 more months... unless u live on the equator.


smush if you do not want to give up your abs well think of it this way. weathers gonna be a POS for at least 4 more months... unless u live on the equator.

Lol I'm not an expert at bulking so that's why I'm posting so I can get good advice. Don't have to be a douche about it Steroids.

And yes, snow is horrible where I live, so yeah I'm willing to give it up, but I'll take progress pics so you can tell me if I'm doing it right.

Sound all right?

Lol I just saw that video Tris and I never thought about it that way. Thanks for clearing it up. I've been stuck at 170 lbs for the past 2 months lol. Hmm need to change my diet ... what do?


smush if you do not want to give up your abs well think of it this way. weathers gonna be a POS for at least 4 more months... unless u live on the equator.

Lol I'm not an expert at bulking so that's why I'm posting so I can get good advice. Don't have to be a douche about it Steroids.

And yes, snow is horrible where I live, so yeah I'm willing to give it up, but I'll take progress pics so you can tell me if I'm doing it right.

Sound all right?

Lol I just saw that video Tris and I never thought about it that way. Thanks for clearing it up. I've been stuck at 170 lbs for the past 2 months lol. Hmm need to change my diet ... what do?

lol just a high calorie diet with a good amount of protein +500 cals on what ur on now every day which will gain roughly 1lb a week. no that is not a lot. i gained 2.7lb a week for 6 weeks and bench went up 66lb etc just progress in a linear fashion.


Work out your macronutrients, keep track of them and modify them if you hit a rough gaining patch.


^Gives a good basis to start from as you can work out a basic meal and build a plan from there.  The article is also a good read, supplies you with some good knowledge to know.

If you're like me (full time uni student, part time work) and don't always have the money to fork out for expensive lean meat and meals then go for the cheaper options:

Nuts, peanut butter, tuna cans, yoghurt( watch out for high sugar/fat content, go for the healthier stuff), couscous, brown rice, eggs, wholemeal/grain bread,  and the occasional chicken breast or steak when on special. Chucking in some greens/veg to a chicken/tuna meal or having it on the side is a good idea as well.

I'd say a gain of 0.5-1lb per a week is safe and lean, you will however gain some fat but losing some definition in winter ( mainly one's off season) is normal and okay.


Thanks for the all the info guys. That article Tris is really helpful and yeah I can't really buy all the expensive stuff so I might as well start stocking up on healthy food items.


DB Shoulder Press

40 x 10

50 x 8

50 x 5

Arnold Press

40 x 10

50 x 5

DB Clean and Press (First time lol)

40 x 5

50 x 3 (FAIL)

40 x 5

DB Shrugs

70 x 10

80 x 5

90 x 4 (Pinched my wrist between rack and DB ouch)

DB Forward Raise (Both at same time)

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

DB Lateral Raise (Both)

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

DB Rear Raise

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

I wish my gym had 15 lbs for DB's ... 10 lbs is getting old, still gets me tired though.


wasn't trying to be mean but yes just read above post and be certain to be eating 500+ (minimum) calories above maintenance. in terms of food just make sure its carbs/protein enriched. EMPHASIS ON CARBS FOR BULKING.

btw don't pussy out of ur diet if ur ab definition gets less visable, thats a sign that its working tbh.


Stopped working out due to throat problems, headache, sickness, finally today I felt better and decided to bench. I lost about 5 lbs in a span of 5 days so I'm sitting at around 164 right now lol.

Funny thing is I just increased my max by like 20 lbs lol.

Bench Press

135 x 8

135 x 8

185 x 3

200 x 1

205 x 1

AWW HELL YEAHHH. Benching 40 lbs over my weight #WINNING. No assist, spotter wasn't even touching bar.

Preacher Curl

65 x 10

65 x 10

70 x 8

I'm feelin' pretty damn good right now. SUWOOOOOOP SUWOOOOP. My max has been around 175 for the longest time, and now it's 205. +30 lbs.

I'm pretty sure this gain was due to all the dumbbell bench press I've done and all the shoulder exercises I've done, and the amount of gains I've done there.


good job ive had some bizarely strong days when ive had flu/cold type deal and weighing a ton less b4 too.


I know I was like wtf? Strength came out of nowhere, strange... hope this continues to 225 ... My dream is to rep 225 ....


I know I was like wtf? Strength came out of nowhere, strange... hope this continues to 225 ... My dream is to rep 225 ....

lol not exactly a pipe dream, a short term goal tbh


I'm now at 164 ... the more I try to eat healthy and eat more, the more I lose weight. Lol WTF.

I'm going to concentrate more on strength gains rather than weight gains for now.

Shoulders and Biceps

Arnold Press

40 x 10

40 x 10

50 x 3, then shoulder pressed x 6. PR

60 x 0, tried failed will try again next time.

DB Shrugs

70 x 10

80 x 10

90 x 10 PR

DB Front Raise

10 x 10

20 x 5 Each hand PR

20 x 5 Each hand

DB Side Raise

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

DB Rear Raise

10 x 10

10 x 10

10 x 10

DB Bicep Curl

30 x 10 PR

30 x 5

25 x 8

20 x 10

DB Hammer Curl

30 x 8

30 x 7

25 x 8

20 x 11

Just going to eat healthy and concentrate on strength gains. As long as I keep progressing in strength then I'll keep doing what I'm doing.


Legs (First time in more than almost 2 months)

Squats (No spotter, no belt, no rack for safety, pretty much dead if I mess up lol)

135 x 10

135 x 10

185 x 5

205 x 5

225 x 5

255 x 3 (Did not want to die)

Legs felt numb, shaky, because haven't squatted in 2 months.

Leg extension (So shaky the entire time)

95 x 10

105 x 10

125 x 10

130 x 10

Tried doing barbell lunges, but failed cause my legs were so numb.

Leg Lifts 3 x 10

Gave up, at least I haven't lost squat strength in 2 months lol.


Chest & Triceps

DB Bench Press

60 x 10

65 x 8

70 x 5 Going to try for 75 lb DB's next time.

DB Incline Press

60 x 5

65 x 5 <-- PR WOOHOO finally. Was stuck at 50 lbs for so long.

Chest Cable Fly


40 x 6

42.5 x 4 PR

DB Overhead Tricep

60 x 6

25 x 15

25 x 15

Rope Tricep Pulldown

35 x 10

37.5 x 10

40 x 10 PR

Tricep and Chest Dips at the end.

Ahh feels great.

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