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My first pure encounter with Jad


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So I've wanted a fire cape for ages but never had the guts to waste 2 hours or so seeing whether I stood a chance against Jad... But yeah had a day off work so thought fuck it doesn't cost a lot of gp and went ahead.

The whole caves was easy, got some nice spawns on the 360 180 90 waves and eventually Jad came along...


The healers butt fucked me and I couldn't trap them so I ended up tanking and killing them (like a baws) and after they died:


Hooray. Fight Caves has always been a challenge for me so I'm pretty happy right now. :D

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Gratz, I'm too pussy to do fight caves. Gotta pay for mine.

i was PM'ing people seeing what the price range was like to get someone else to do it but I figured for the cost I could try Jad like 5-6 times by myself. Gotta face your fears some day eh. :P

thanks guys

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good first shot, i still cant do jad :/

i've done it on my main 3 times but i was more worried about the 360 and 90 waves cause if they spawn next to each other you have to tank the 90, in worst cases you don't have enough brews to make it through. the other part was the healers on jad, i watched a video on how to trap them but cause jad spawned like a bitch i couldn't trap them and had to tank and kill them lol.

thanks mate :D

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