Toby|Doggie Posted October 20, 2011 Posted October 20, 2011 I didn't say they were you idiot. I said they follow them, you said emo was a race, i said emo was a social trend, people follow the social trend of emo, they're not a race of people. they're a white guy following a social trend, doesn't make them a race. R U SAYIN THAT BLAK PPL CANT B EMOS??? RASIst
gfdgfd Posted October 20, 2011 Posted October 20, 2011 if it were up to me, black people couldn't be anything other than slaves. and that's not racist, because race doesn't exist, remember.
Marc|Criti Posted October 20, 2011 Posted October 20, 2011 if it were up to me, black people couldn't be anything other than slaves. and that's not racist, because race doesn't exist, remember. if this was facebook i'd like it actually i probably wouldn't or else everyone would think i'm racist actually it's ok since races don't exist BLACK PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DUMB AND I WISH WE'D KILL THEM ALL (not racist coz races don't exist)
Octavarium Posted October 20, 2011 Posted October 20, 2011 Yep, probably because the fastest are always black.
I Meleed I Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 y are u all bickering on here when u could be doing deadlifts???/
Octavarium Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 y are u all bickering on here when u could be doing deadlifts???/ I'm doing deadlifts 1 handed like Mark Felix and typing. Now, same question to you kind sir.
Mortuls Posted October 27, 2011 Posted October 27, 2011 I'm not racist, I watch colored tv. :trollbob:
Tom (Rendition) Posted November 2, 2011 Posted November 2, 2011 What is the difference between calling someone with glasses a '4-eyed spastic' and someone who is black a 'watermelon eating monkey'? the only difference is, is that one is illegal the other isn't. illegal..... wat? Both are Public Order offences. I don't like racism.
Smush Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 what is race?!?!? ;D According to you it's .... Lol do you still believe your own nonsense? Race doesnt exist. The only thing that trully exists is nationality and ethnicity. Which all 3 are trully different. Race is technically a thing we use and started to use during slavery to seperate people into groups, you can even classify people with different hairstyles and their own "race" since you are just creating a seperate group for the. Race doesnt exist, so Racism existing is redundant, it is those "races" that take offense to something that doesnt exist. I'm cuban and if someone were to call me a spick I wouldn't be angered. Spick doesnt exist. If someone were to call a black person a nigger, what is nigger now? Back then it used to be used for black SLAVES, yet people still take offence implying THEY ARE those said slaves? Remember you could be dark skinned and latin/haitian/african/american/chinese! You can also be a white skinned african or haitian, does that mean you are a nigger too? No we seperated the "dark skinned" individuals as a RACE of their own. Just giving an example. Race doesnt exist. Racism doesnt exist. It's people that get asshurt by racism that is keeping it alive. You took everything I said out of context, rofl. I was giving you a scenario in what actually took place with african americans to prove my claim. And are you retarded? HERP DERP DICTIONARY DEFINES WORD MEANS IT REALLY EXISTS. Thats like me saying a number with "i" in math isnt an imaginary number because using "i" in math to describe an imaginary number actually exists, thats just plain retarded. Yes race does exist in that context that we can seperate people into groups, but it's a retards way of trying to classify a type of person. Now another scenario which will sound very similar yet you would'nt understand due to your mental condition is: A middle eastern man with a turban walks in, first thing that pops into your head, terrorist of course, anyone in America would think the same even if they don't want to admit it. You are putting anyone wearing a turban or that looks middle eastern into their own race, a race of terrorists even though a terrorist can be a white american in a movie theatre screaming "I have a gun" he just created terror. Saying all black people do "...." or all black people like "...." is redundant because even though you might choose to put them into the racial category of BLACK, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. (unless they are of course of the same ethnicity) But like I said if one is hatian and one is african american. They will have different eating habits, cultural values, etc. By the way Nigger wasn't created to describe the "black race" it was created as a way to address africans and then slowly after slavery was abolished was used to insult those who were dark skinned. BUT NOW a days nigger is slowly becoming not that big of a deal, YES some people think it shouldnt be used and YES some still take insult to it. But as days go by you see more people using the word, light or dark skinned, people use the word more freely, and see "The N word" documentary. Great movie. It explains more in depth where I'm going with this. By the way when I mixed countries and continents, does it matter? Most latins share the same social values (NOT ALL) same with Africans. And yes you can say race has always existed because man kind has always had its ways of seperating things in different ways. But before slavery in America, there wasn't really any of that separation into groups, the classification of "race" in america began MAINLY (not first) as slavery did so they were able to refer to the africans in a different manner and deem their own "race" superior. Like the definition of race above states, its to basically create a group for anything. Even poor people since you did mention social economic status. "poor people do this, poor people do that." Yet those poor people could be of different cultural backgrounds and be completely different other than the fact that their poor. So they're wrongly accused of probably doing something or acting a certain way based on how people have wrongly placed them in a that "poor race." When they have their own social values and ideas to adhere to. I still find it so hilarious that you took me saying it doesnt exist out of context by thinking I said theres no literal definition to what people use in everyday vocabulary... oh yeah another example is dragon. Fire breathing dragons that fly have never existed, yet there are definitions on that too. Even if it involves it being fictacious or mythical. You can find a definition to anything that might not exist, as long as you're thinking of something, there will be a word for it, and a definable source to explain what it means in text, whether it be real or fake. Anything else? Please don't let it be ignorant this time.
Smush Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 Hey guess what smush?!? Did you stop believing your own nonsense? :victory:
Steroids Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 just a small town girl, living in a lonely worlddddd
DeltaPapa Posted November 4, 2011 Posted November 4, 2011 Rising up, back on the street; Did my time, took my chances.
Adam|Note Posted November 5, 2011 Posted November 5, 2011 slam it to the left IF YOURE HAVING A GOOD TIME
Undyin Pride Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 I call everyone a nigger, because they are.
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