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MLG Halo 3 Players.


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Yeah well im back to playing halo 3... strictly MLG. I deleted most of the ppl that i used to play with because they quit.. I got some kids that run customs but not as many. I am looking for a serious group that runs MLG customs every day... If you're one of those people then Add me on xbl. T0nskies ( i didnt make this, some kid gave it to me)is my gamer tag. Also along the way if any1 is looking for a team for game battles i will join. as it is good practise and gets u 10x better. Anyways,peace.

EDIT EDIT: got a new tag to play on with a one month, it is T0nskies, i didnt choose the name so... yeah. Add me to run mlg customs

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did you delete me? i didnt quit i just dont play a whole lot anymore. btw my gt is itz_dalton.

Ill add u, i got a new tag.. i sold HaVoK iz BoSS :/

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i don't feel like reading that whole #$%#ing paragraph about something i either already know about halo related or something i don't really care about :p...

but i figured i would say that i have a highest skill of 50 and a 45 in mlg :p...

oh yea, and i don't think i'm a bad ass.

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Add "colton_92"he is probably THE best player i have ever seen. he once took on 3 generals on guardian by him self and the end scored was 7:red - 50:blue.... he was blue...

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add ChaD_mmmmmmmmmw

9m's 1w lol

I dont do much cept mess around matchmaking and do customs with friends/custom finder list

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add ChaD_mmmmmmmmmw

9m's 1w lol

I dont do much cept mess around matchmaking and do customs with friends/custom finder list

Alright cool , everytime i run customs and see u online ill send u an invite
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  • 4 weeks later...

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