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Why am i on a pure...(question)


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Mk, so lately i've been having trouble with my pure, and i can't make up my effing mind..

K, right now i am planning on joining foe Full memeber Ranged baised(90+ range with another 82 Stat witch will be melee)

I already have the melee, and i have just moved on to range with be 80 within the hour, so now my question..

i have 2 options..

#1: Get 90 range 82 str join FOE, i am currently 31 pray.. now 31 does have a low level eagle eye pray that adds

5%, now my main question.. DO i do preist in peril(biggest fail not doing it before 31 pray) without doing preist in peril

i have some what gridlocked my pure up, i can get my stats fine BUT i will have NO ava's, witch i mean isn't the biggest deal

i've been around sense 04 and i know what picking up arrows is like, and on trips i will plan to use X-bow mostly

But if i DO do preist in peril, it opens up Desert tresure( my mage is 70) but obvs i will get 82 + if i do do DT

#2: almost the exact same, but i through 44 pray in there.. i mean 44 pray from 31 will be 2CB's.

But not having 44 pray i almost become useless in overhead wars... but i've done it before(i AM Ex foe)

with my other account with 1 pray..

Now if you understood any of this bullshit that im asking then feel free to post ur comments and tell me what the

hell i should do

People who avoid big wall of Text * it basciallye comes down to, stay 31 pray with no ava's, or do 32 pray (presit in peril will give me ONE pray level) or get 44 all around*

Good luck, feel free to post how much of a dumbass i am for not doing preist in peril... ;)

x redvsblue

imp if you do alot of pvp get 44 pray. but if you only 1v1 in bh it would be good for 31 pray. but then again pray helps on foe trips too..

and stats atm?


If I were you I'd do Priest in Peril and stop at 34 prayer, it means you can access all those things that you listed, the pray won't level you up too much and you'll be able to use the 15% attack prayer for more consistent hits ;)


ye get 34 as joe said, 44-52 is fail:/ i regret getting 52 pray.


im 52 praer now, it WAS epic when bh first was updated, now its a load of bullsit lol, im making a new pure atm, 31 prayer or 34 is best imo


Ah k, yeah i completley forgot about 34 pray is an optioin.. and i could do both, thanks everyone :D

Live Stream

hey man, nothing wrong with getting 34 with quests and seeing how you like it, if you don't like it then you can get 44+ :o

watch me tb

ye get 34 as joe said, 44-52 is fail:/ i regret getting 52 pray.

no shit.. since they got rid of pro item... but 44 pray is not fail. stfu.


44 prayer is the best. You'll hit harder with range and you wont die every time you get pjed. Also, in wars / trips with FOE it helps a lot to have 43+


prayer lvl dosent even matter that much, im 52 and i own everyone but maybe thats cause im god of f2p


I love 13 pray for my low cb but when i get pjed i cant do shit about it..just got hope for fail or die lol so id get 44 for you probs too, opens many more doors for you


I would suggest 44 as it helps in clan pking trips and getting PJed, also eagle eye makes up for some of the combat levels lost during it.

Hope i helped.  B)

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