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Diable Jambe

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Ive decided to quit smoking. So i was wondering what the best way to start quitting, whether it be gum, patches or whatever.

I wonna keep it quiet as my parents dont know i smoke anymore, since i told them a while back i had quit, any suggestion would help

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Don't fucking smoke.. -_-

Be a man and have the mentality to not give into a pathetic temptation. Nothing's addictive.

Someones never smoked

i tried to start smoking... really tried

and i failed. (not even joking)

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Don't fucking smoke.. -_-

Be a man and have the mentality to not give into a pathetic temptation. Nothing's addictive.

Someones never smoked

i tried to start smoking... really tried

and i failed. (not even joking)

Some have a better tolerance than others. Charley Sheen for example  :wow:

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Smoke weed, disregard tobacco.

however funny this might sound, this really is a good way to quit smoking. Marijuana is a lot easier to stop (if you ever wanted to, due to it's lack of physical addiction: though there still is some mental addiction, none of it is actually your body becoming dependent like tobacco), and not nearly as harmful. When you're high, the last thing you'll be thinking about is nicotine, there are lots of people who have quit tobacco or other addictions by smoking weed. If you're not opposed to weed, give it a try, because I've heard a lot of good things about it.

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Smoke weed, disregard tobacco.

however funny this might sound, this really is a good way to quit smoking. Marijuana is a lot easier to stop (if you ever wanted to, due to it's lack of physical addiction: though there still is some mental addiction, none of it is actually your body becoming dependent like tobacco), and not nearly as harmful. When you're high, the last thing you'll be thinking about is nicotine, there are lots of people who have quit tobacco or other addictions by smoking weed. If you're not opposed to weed, give it a try, because I've heard a lot of good things about it.

Cheaper than ciggs as well (cheaper weed)

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with the laws to smoke inside a building such as a club, I don't think a person who doesn't smoke has the left lung these days.

not smoking but standing beside someone who's smokin in a room is twice as bad as smoking a cigarette yourself outside.

ironic huh?

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Don't fucking smoke.. -_-

Be a man and have the mentality to not give into a pathetic temptation. Nothing's addictive.

Someones never smoked

I used to, now I only smoke weed occasionally. Nothing's addictive, only weakminded faggots get addicted. If you feel yourself craving something have the damn mentality to stop yourself or go do something to take your mind off it. It's not hard.

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^ true some people just lack the intelligence tbh.

you see that shit a lot on tv, shows about addiction problems, that people just aren't able to think logically lol.

not everyone is like that ofcourse.

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