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looking for someone to get me fire cape for rsgp

xi hybrid xl

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Well Im bout to b 84 range Im 1 def 44 pray so ya post or pm me if u can do firecape and u have to b trusted tell me price u charge and ill do it or not depending on price


Tbh look on sythe they have like 4567897654345 niggas who do f cape


Ultra used to do them, not sure now,

You can try to drop him a PM if you like tho..


Ya i pmed him no answer yet


"I need a fire cape, who does them here?"

Ask around, people constantly change availability and stuff. DO NOT ask on forums, take it to IRC or elsewhere.

^ That is copied from the STICKIED topic here.



I can get you one 1st go with those stats not hard... although I'm not trusted so don't believe anything I say. Best go with Reevesy or somebody with more 'trust' :)


Ok Ty

Yea talk to kyle, tell him "TJ sent me, he told me you're the best at firecapes"

He'll give you a discount.


ask ultra


PM [-Reevesy-] or [Foe]Kyle for one, Ultra used to them but i think hes kinda inactive now.


1 or 2years ago someone called [-reevesy-] or seomthing did one for me i think he still does them


Best bet is to go with reevsy i reckon.


Yeh go with reevesy even if he did scam a previous leader, hence hes not foe


ask me foo.. dont bother wif skype theres like 4567897654345 noob.

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