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Updated:March22 :mellow:


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Newest pic: March 22 '10.

Not sure what i'm flipping for. i want to flip for a phat, but i don't think i'm that good yet  :mellow:

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Progress since summer '09, kinda wordy so you can just scroll thru pics if u want :huh:

Earliest screeny July 25?: (last friday, brought it off tutorial on thursday night)

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Aug 3:(8 or 9 days total?)

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anyways i trained for about 4-5 days in f2p on seagulls and minotaurs, then decided to go ahead and buy members. ever since about 54 str i've been at crabs. advice for anyone starting a new pure: try training crabs on waterbirth, you can bring about 20k-25k cash each trip then when you're done you can pick the snape grass to make money; that way you dont get bored with training/making money =).

Update Aug21: finally 80 str (every other stat is 1 =o)

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Aug 23:Went from 1-60 in about a day and a half at crabs

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Stats around December 1 (had slowed down alot)

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Stats Dec 31: 65 combat. Quested and skilled, as well as 93 str. long month.

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Thinking about 60 attack since im not much a fan of range pking, and range is essential in mauling :huh:


Nice account but to be honest, i don't think 20 att is really worth it  :unsure2:


yeah i figure ill try 20 attack, then get 40 and try f2p, then get 50 for maul, and eventually stop at 60, staying under 11 pray


Congrat's and goodluck :)

Going good I see :P


TBH, it looks like you're all RSBot, Just so happens your stuff says "Welcome to RuneScape" and you take a picture. No picture's of exact level up's...

well good luck anyway.


Nice levels for roughly a week.


Nice start to an account, gl on achieving requirements for FOE


TBH, it looks like you're all RSBot, Just so happens your stuff says "Welcome to RuneScape" and you take a picture. No picture's of exact level up's...

well good luck anyway.

lol didn't notice that. i have level up pix but i just took the first stat picture i took and the most recent one. (the last one im running my snape)

i've been gone for around 2 years and honestly i don't know anything about RSBot except it's what's in in botting now o.O

  • 3 weeks later...

updated some recent progress pics, think ima get my range up now and make some money so i can VLS pk a little bit. Currently 48 combat with those stats

Adam | LayDown

nice man :P


awesome acc man! :) dont get prayer and max 50 att!

Keyblader Jr

wow nice account id stay 20 atk and see how it works

Richy ranger

Grats (:


you should prolly not double post


you should prolly not double post

The double post was 3 weeks apart =) but if it bothers you that much then ill keep it in mind for next time

Lookin good, keep it up =D


Updated Friday and Saturday progress

Smited B O W

13 prayer please! =P and nice work. but corrupt can cost alot =/


20 is good keep 20 it's original and you will be very low level with the highest strength and the best sword 1h sword. Keep it up :)


Goodjob for only being a month old :)

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