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IRL Vid -Freekicks

Nh Grenny

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Being a football coach of a successful team, I'd like to give all of you some constructive criticism, it up to you if you wish to flame about it or take it on board and you will see a major improvement, since i don't know you guys I'll go on the colour of tops use are all wearing.

Yellow Top - He is in a habit of just wacking the ball as hard as he can and hoping for the best, this is a bad way to go if he relaxes and focus'es more on the strike of the ball. He needs to think of two things, where he wants the ball to go, when he has decided this its where to stand and where you going to hit the ball. This is incredibily important, if you hit the ball wrong 9 times out of 10 it will not go where you want it.

Blue Top - Same applys to you buddy, but your hitting the ball right, you jsut not swinging your leg and putting your foot under the ball, also don't rush things.

Overall - Boots are fine, all I'd recommend is putting your pocket money together and buying a decent ball, the umbro ones are just like plastic.

P.S Just read description, I know your ages now :)

So real potential there guys, keep at it.

Practice makes perfect

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Tbh we shooted from 20-30yards a lot, also there is 3 different guys :p I've shooted CR shot for ages but we got the shots in 35 minutes.

Anyway thanks for feedback!

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Tbh I've never plaid football in a team or anything and still I can kick the ball over the goal from 40+ yards

real impressive m8

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