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frost drag bones going up 4k in 1hour???

Mila Kunis

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- Members now have the opportunity to obtain a wicked hood, courtesy of the ZMI, from Tam McGrubor in Varrock. As well as giving a magic attack and magic defence bonus, the hood has a range of Runecrafting functions usable on a daily basis, including free runes, free essence and teleports to altars, as well as the ability to access them. Finally, it can be upgraded with talismans to expand its repertoire of rune types. Speak to McGrubor for full details, or see the manual.

- We’ve made a number of technical changes to the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon resource area which will make frost dragon killing harder and less profitable for bots, without impacting upon the experience of legitimate players. This is just the first in a series of initiatives we’re taking to tackle bots for good.


Yea just went and killed some, was managing about 8 kills a trip ranging on a pure, they hit constant 200+.

Gunna skyrocket.


Yea just went and killed some, was managing about 8 kills a trip ranging on a pure, they hit constant 200+.

Gunna skyrocket.

Antifire + praying mage?


they range + mage now


so pretty much all jagex really did was screw every1 over again good job idiots


so pretty much all jagex really did was screw every1 over again good job idiots

No they screwed bots over.

Liked did a bank video yday showcasing like 200k frost dragon bones. tippedoff.com


Yea just went and killed some, was managing about 8 kills a trip ranging on a pure, they hit constant 200+.

Gunna skyrocket.

Antifire + praying mage?



gf they gonna rocket then

i made 20m off this lol, they selling 15.5k in g/e atm

Im sure it wont take long till the update for the frost dragon bots has been pushed.

I prefer dont risk buying them.


Does anyone actually know what they did to make it harder for bots, cause if frost dragon bones get to 18k+ again I'll start doin that legit for bank lewt.


frost dragon bones back to 16k tbh


Whoevers holding a shitload of frosties is gonna make bank.... again.


If it's true that they range and mage, that really sucks a lot, people are gonna have to revert to using Dragon bones again to get turm unless they have a lot of money to throw around.


not so bad for mains  now,  getting like 100+ kills /trip  ovls/turm/bandos


If it's true that they range and mage, that really sucks a lot, people are gonna have to revert to using Dragon bones again to get turm unless they have a lot of money to throw around.

money is worth nothing now a days.

and lol i cant w8 till there 18k gona make so much bnak with yak/ovls/rapier/maxgear


in Other News...

- We’ve made a number of technical changes to the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon resource area which will make frost dragon killing harder and less profitable for bots, ]without impacting upon the experience of legitimate players. This is just the first in a series of initiatives we’re taking to tackle bots for good.



in about an 1hr... ur moms going to be a noob.

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